Clouds are creepin'...


Kit Badger is now on Patreon…   If you aren’t familiar with Patreon, it is a way for people to support content creators.  Whether people are making videos (in my case) or podcasts, blogs, etc.   Patreon allows people to support those creators, ensuring they continue their work and usually getting some sort of little perk in return.

If you value my videos here at Kit Badger, I would be super stoked if you supported me.  It is a $1 a month (halfway to a small cup of black coffee or maybe a pack of gum).  And if not…    …don’t worry about it.  I honestly just appreciate you checking out my videos.  Thank you for your time.

You can find the Kit Badger Pateron page here.

This picture doesn’t have too much to do with Patreon. But it is a awesome photo…