Heading back down Surprise Canyon.

Panamint City 1.11 – The End

In Episode 11 of the Panamint City Adventure Log, we conclude the trip.  We have made it down from an epic adventure up to the old mining / ghost town, and we settle in for the ride home.  In this, I point out some of the landmarks that were missed while approaching the entrance to Surprise Canyon. (since it was dark upon arrival)

You can go here to find the other Episodes of the Panamint City Adventure Log.

Time to take off those boots and settle in for the ride home…
  1. Absolutely great posts on this trip; I was riveted. Thanks for taking the time to repeat your hike to film it and to take your boys and make them part of the story. Its (way) too late to adopt me, so good on them to have a patient and adventurous dad.

    Also, re your other posts, I appreciate a fellow Californian projecting a constructive image of firearms culture. De Leon and Newsome aren’t the only voices here, just (currently) the loudest.

    BTW, have also been through Trona on the way out of Death Valley and you nailed the place.


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