How to train.

How to train for the Tactical Games: In 1 Easy Step

What?! How can you train for the Tactical Games in 1 Easy Step you ask? Easy, I’ll tell you how. I’ll also outline 3 tips that may come in handy should you choose to compete in the Tactical Games. And if you aren’t familiar with the Tactical Games, think Crossfit Games meets 2 Gun Competition. You can check out this video by RECOIL. 


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  1. You are SOOO cool. Whether it’s running and gunning, sparring, or hanging with the kids, you’re always on “Chill”. Ivan: “and this is something that will probably definitely work better for you ……. or not….but hey….have fun doing it”. Much success Ivan.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Rick. Just working on being the best version of me. And part of that is recognizing my success isn’t predicated on anyone else’s success or failures. Everyone is on their own journey. 🙂

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