While the Radian Model 1 looks at a glance like a “regular” AR-15, it is not…
Logan, one of the builders at Radian Weapons, walks me through the gun, piece by piece. From the nuances of the ADAC System, to their new Radian Trigger, or even little details like the way the upper and lower receiver is tensioned. There is some amazing innovation, engineering and machining going on with these guns.
And to the end of machining. A huge percentage of the guns parts, probably over 90+% are all machined in house. This allows them to keep super tight tolerances that you won’t find with most production guns.
This particular gun will be coming out on the 2021 Coast to Coast Tour. You can come out to one of the range days and shoot it. Not to mention, you can own this actual gun as well. It will be going up for auction at the end of the event in support of SOC-F (Special Operations Care Fund). A great gun raising money for a great organization!
Check out the Radian Model 1’s here.

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