Panobridge Mk2 by NoiseFighters

When it comes to bridging PVS-14 monoculars, the Panobridge by NoiseFighters might be the best thing going…

For starters, when compared to other bridges, the Panobridge is incredibly light. This can’t be overstated. The less weight you have on your head, the better. And while it does everything any other bridge does, it adds in the panning feature. Letting you, situationally, pan the NODs out and take in a wider field of view.

If you are looking for a good bridge for your night vision setup, to bridge PVS-14s or even a thermal monocular, check out the Panobridge Mk2.

You can find the Noise Fighters Panobridge Mk2 here.

A clever design that adds utility to a common bridge.