My Carnivore Journey: Part-3

Here I am, 2 months into my Carnivore Journey. Having eaten pretty strict carnivore, basically meat, salt and water, I recheck my blood work, looking for changes from previous blood work.

While my LDL Cholesterol has continued to go up, my C Reactive Protein has continued to go down, as well as my insulin resistance. I’ve also seen a increase in Vitamin D, which is a very good thing.

Moving forward I will largely stay the course. With a few slight changes, such as reintroducing coffee, supplementing with Grassfed Beef Organs as well as Uncanna Full Spectrum CBD Oil **use code: KITBADGER for 10% off**.

I will also experiment with introducing selective carbohydrates, like honey and berries, if I am doing extra strenuous activity. Overall I’m feeling great…

The Carnivore Code Book

The Essential Carnivore Diet Cookbook

I’m looking forward to seeing how these do for me over the next month or two.
My boys and I really enjoy the heart… 🙂