Here I am, 2 months into my Carnivore Journey. Having eaten pretty strict carnivore, basically meat, salt and water, I recheck my blood work, looking for changes from previous blood work.
While my LDL Cholesterol has continued to go up, my C Reactive Protein has continued to go down, as well as my insulin resistance. I’ve also seen a increase in Vitamin D, which is a very good thing.
Moving forward I will largely stay the course. With a few slight changes, such as reintroducing coffee, supplementing with Grassfed Beef Organs as well as Uncanna Full Spectrum CBD Oil **use code: KITBADGER for 10% off**.
I will also experiment with introducing selective carbohydrates, like honey and berries, if I am doing extra strenuous activity. Overall I’m feeling great…
The Essential Carnivore Diet Cookbook

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