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Loading Your Blowout Kit

Don’t exasperate a medical emergency by having your Med-kit looking like a yard sale…  Earlier I reviewed the SOE Gear Compact Tear Off Med Pouch.  And now we are talking about two important factors that come into play when we are loading our blowout kit.

1. Load it with items your are competent with.

2. Load it in a way that allows access to the things you will potentially need first.  *Band-aids at the bottom*

Here is where you can find some of the items I have in my medical kit.  Use what works for you: Compression GaussCelox Hemostat, Band-Aids, Trauma Shears, Decompression Needle, NPA, Chem Light, Endotracheal Tube, Scalpel, Syringe, Halo Seal.

Don't compound the problem with bad organization...
Don’t compound the problem with bad organization…