Here is the story of Jatta’s and my feral hog hunt down in Texas…
A very generous friend of the channel invited my boys and I down to his ranch to hunt feral pigs. So I lined up the trip with my oldest son to coincide with NRAAM this year. Regrettably they canceled the event, but we were still a go for hunting. We had a rough go of it at first and a few missed opportunities, but we finally got our chance. A loan boar walked out.
Jatta with my Radian Model 1, equipped with a Jumbo Shrimp silencer by Q and a SureFire XVL2-IRC. And myself with a Knights Armament SR-25, equipped with a Thunder Chicken silencer by Q and a B.E. Meyers MAWL C1+ laser. Both of us working together brought down the boar. It was then time to put in some work with the AMTAC Blades Northman and have a little BBQ.
It was a rad experience to share with my son and I’m incredibly grateful for it. And a special thanks to my buddy Noah from Wise Men Company for coming along and getting some great shots.

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