Brute Force

Brute Force Sandbags: 1st Look

After competing in the Tactical Games, one of the prizes I’ve won has been a Brute Force Sandbag. Ughhh… Nah, just kidding. They are actually pretty cool, even though the end state is you getting punished with them.

They offer a whole variety of exercises that you can do with them. Due to their design and handle placement, the sky is pretty much the limit. After I get more time with this, I’ll get back to you and let you know what I think.

You can find out more about Brute Force Sandbags and their entire line here.

The bag I received is the 25-75lbs version here.


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One thing that is nice, is they aren’t rigid. You can take them places and not have them destroy things in the back of a vehicle for example.