In this episode, Ivan Loomis introduces and reviews the Brownell’s BRN 180 Gen 2. He discusses the issues experienced with the first BRN 180s, the upgrades made to the Gen 2, and his current setup. He compares charging handles, shares issues encountered during testing, and tests the accuracy of the Gen 2. Finally, he gives his final assessment and wraps up the episode.
10.5″ BRN-180 Gen 2 in 7.62×39
Brownells BRN-180 Forged Lower
Tactical Distributors Lead Sling-Er
Occam Defense Hex 2.0 Fixed Stock
Occam Defense Hex 2.0 Stock Panels
Ammunition Storage Components Magazine
Wolfpack Armory Charging Handle
Prometheus Design Werx AG Watch Cap
SKD Tactical PIG Cold Weather Gloves

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