Shooting steel has a lot of great benefits. Like the ability to have the instant feedback when you get your hits, even at distance. Some steel targets leave a lot to be desired though. Either you have gongs that take forever to reset, or targets that don’t give you a very audible “ping” when struck. Having said that, I have been really pleased with the 12″x20″ Silhouette Target and Stand by AR500 Target Solutions.
The 12″x20″ Silhouette strikes a nice balance for me with respect to shooting pistol as well as rifle. Not being too large up close or too small at distance. And the stand it comes with is simple and fast to set up and take down. Whether I am out shooting my Glock 17 or one of my AR-15 / M-4 platform rifles, this set up does great.
Check out their Modular Dueling Tree here.
You can go here to find the AR500 Target Solutions Silhouette and Stand.

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