Here is a look at our 2nd Range Day of the 2021 Coast to Coast Tour!
Once again we had a great group of people out there shooting some epic guns. We had the whole lineup out there from Q LLC, the Title Sponsor. The Fix in .308, Honey Badger Pistol, Honey Badger SD and the MiniFix. Not to mention all of their Silencers. The Half Nelson, Full Nelson, Thunder Chicken, Trash Panda, El Camino, Erector .22 and Erector9.
Also out there for people to shoot was a 10.5″ Radian Model 1 and a 17.5″ Model 1 as well. Hi-Point Gen1 Yeet Cannon and 995 Carbine. Custom bolt action rifle from Sawtooth Rifles. A 5.56 and 300 Blackout BRN-180 from Brownells. Some fun little .22s and a Knights Armament SR-25 sent out from Shooting Surplus.
A great day on the range with awesome people…
**You can find photos from the event by PTR Media here.**

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