Here is a 1st Look at a pretty rad 17.5″ Model 1 by Radian Weapons. Along with some really clever optics mounts from Unity Tactical…
When I was down visiting with Radian, I had the opportunity to watch and film this, as well as another Model 1, get built start to finish. They are incredible guns, bordering on works of art. The ADAC Lower Receiver is pretty amazing when it comes to the engineering and machining that went into it.
I also topped the gun with a EOTech and Magnifier, using the Unity Tactical FAST Mounts. They do a great job of putting the optic high enough to use with NODs (Night Observation Device) without craning your neck. As well as a clever way of folding the magnifier down and out of the way, which keeps your gun streamlined and well balanced.
Unity Tactical EOTech FAST Magnifier Mount

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