Strawberry Mountain 3.0 Part 2

Strawberry Mountain 3.0 Part – 2

In Part 2 of the Strawberry Mountain 3.0 Adventure Log, I make it! All the way up Strawberry Mountain after a number of setbacks on other attempts. Sometimes backpacking trips don’t go as planned, but perseverance took me to the top, finally.

Once at the top, I go through a number of regular camp chores, setting up my tent and camp site, “making” water, eating etc. On this trip I brought a brand new stove I had never tried before by Uberleben. It is a wood stove. Fortunately I was able to scrounge enough dry wood to feed the stove and melt snow for drinking and cooking.

I also gathered enough wood for a pretty awesome fire. Fires out in the mountains are amazing and such a morale booster when it is cold out. There is something hypnotizing about them. Overall it was a great day in the backcountry…


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The views, to include sunsets, are pretty incredible from Strawberry Mountain.
There is nothing quite like a nice fire out in the mountains when it is cold out. Just something primal, hypnotizing and awesome about it…