If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a Hot Dog Hike, it is simple. A straight forward task that lends itself to a little adventure and opportunity to learn or work on skills. A great way to introduce kids, or anyone for that matter, to outdoor skills.
I set out with my buddy Matt, from Jerking The Trigger, and his girls, along with my boys, for a little adventure. In relatively trying conditions we set out to make a fire and roast hot dogs over it. While everything was pretty damp due to recent snows and rains, we managed to work together and it was a success.
This small outing provided the opportunity to forage for good dry(er) wood and tinder, learn different ways to buck larger pieces of wood, safer and more efficient ways to saw and how to throw sparks in order to create a fire.
There is no barrier for entry and I would encourage everyone to give it a try. Regardless of skill level, it will provide you the opportunity to learn and grow…
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