We’re back at it. Headed for another Coast to Coast Road Trip with Range Days spread out across the Country. Oppotunities for the people to come out and celebrate those freedoms we hold dear, shoot some amazing guns, meet rad people and support a great cause!
RANGE DAYS – How They Work / What to Expect
The Range Days are set up for you to come and experience some incredible guns and cans (All the guns are suppressed!). We have an awesome lineup this year, including a number of guns you’ll probably never see on the shelf at your local gun store. Below is a list of dates and locations. By clicking on them you can purchase your ticket for the event. Your ticket includes access to the range, your DAKA pouch full of swag as well as a sampling of ammunition for all fo the guns present. Think about it like tickets at a carnival… *You can also purchase more ammo at the event.*

The range will be set up with steel targets, by Thor Targets, at various distances for the given calibers. You’ll be able to go through and shoot all the different guns there, try out the different optics and probably participate in some fun little competitions to win some cool stuff.
*Can I bring my own ammo or guns?* No. Two fold, on the one hand, all the guns are zeroed for the ammo on the tour, giving you the best experience possible. And then there is the liability side that won’t allow either of those unfortunately.

Range Day Dates, Locations & Tickets
June 28th – Cameo Shooting Complex, Grand Junction, CO
July 2nd – The RanchTX, Eagle Lake, TX

THE GUNS – These are (most of) the guns that will be on this years tour.
- Knights Armament SR-25
- The Fix by Q
- MiniFix by Q
- Honey Badger SD by Q
- Sugar Weasel by Q
- Radian Model 1 17.5″
- Radian Model 1 10.5″
- ODS-1775 by Occam Defense
- Sawtooth Rifles 2018 USASOC Sniper Comp Rifle
- BRN-180
- Zev OZ9c Elite
- Zev OZ9 Elite
- Hi-Point Gen1 Yeet Cannon *Yes, you read that right*
- B&T USW-320
- Glock 44 with Erector by Q
- Ruger Charger in SB22 Chassis

And then, to wrap up the tour, our last Range Day will be in Searsboro, IA with Brownells. Following that Range Day we’ll have an Auction in which you can bid on and win a number of the guns that came on tour as well as some other rad stuff. All in support of SOC-F (Special Operations Care Fund). An amazing organization that does incredible work for the people our nation is indebted too.
This years tour is going to be amazing. Looking forward to seeing you out there!

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