
25k Thank You & Giveaway

We’ve done it, we broke 25k Subscribers on YouTube! And what an amazing ride it has been. Thank you all for being part of it.

I’ve been working on Kit Badger for about 3 years now. In that time I’ve slowly honed my craft and gotten better and better I think. With both delivery and production value. All the while, working on maintaining those 3 pillars that define Kit Badger. To be informative / educational, as well as hopefully inspirational and lastly entertaining. I may not nail all 3 every time, but I think I usually capture at lease one of those.

As mentioned, if you’d like to be entered, just leave a comment below and let me know one of your favorite videos to date. I’ll announce the winner by May 1st.

Again, thank you all for making this happen…


Q Ingenuity T-Shirt

Prometheus Design Werx DA Hoodie V2

Someone should probably clean this thing…
  1. First vid I found was the series on Q and their tapers. I love the engineering uniqueness that companies are now bringing to the industry. Thanks for being such a chill dude.

    1. My favorite video is the series about building at Q, but the strawberry hill videos are a close second. Great content. Well produced.

      1. My favorite video was actually the 10 yard zero. It was super helpful when you dont have the range available for distance. Keep up the good work.

        1. After looking back at a lot of videos, I have to say that those tactical game loadouts were some of my favorite. Awesome to see a giveaway like this!

      2. Still digging through the videos for a favorite (new sub) but I’m happy and grateful for the giveaway regardless. I found your channel through your video on security contracting. Current LEO and was heavily considering branching out

    2. I really love your tactical games videos… even if you don’t do as well as you would have liked… still awesome!

        1. I originally found my way to your page by the KBAT targets, and meandered to your YouTube page. I like the tactical games videos, and like that you call it like it is when you have gun and gear issues. The spray painting videos are also good too, makes me want to bust out the rattle can. Stay rad.

      1. Congrats ont the 25k subs! The over/under gas vid was helpful! I enjoy the firearm review vids as well. Love your channel!

        1. Love it. Any video with content about your struggles with divorce are it. Appreciate your openness.
          -JT in Spokane

    3. Favorite video was the backcountry adventure making hot dogs with the kids in the snow over a fire.

    4. Congrats on 25k👍 my favorite videos was the the TriggrCon video, good luck to everyone else

    5. I really enjoyed the video How To Self Rescue After Falling Through Ice because you actually tested the theory! I don’t know how you managed to get out with those cajones, but at least now I know how to get out of ice if I ever fall in (a possibility up here in Alaska).

    6. Hell of a milestone man, congrats. I’m partial to your belt setup video. Any of your gear setups really boots, chest rig etc. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize, especially since YouTube hates freedom related content so I’m sure you don’t make really anything from these videos. That’s socialism for you though, silence those who disagree and so forth. I’ll stop now, again congrats man.

    7. I really liked your video on contracting because I’ve seen a lot of dudes hype it up and something always smelled a little fishy about their claims. Thank you for clearing u a lot of bs there and congratu-fucking-lations on hitting 25,000 subscribers!

    8. The favorite video would have to be either the Q build series or Strawberry mountain.

    9. My favorite videos is “i only train ninjas” its very informative and interesting.

    10. 10 yard zero was the one that got me thinking that is a faster way to zero. Thanks again keep going.

    11. My favorite video was the tactical games and the contracting video. Great give away prize. Your care is definitely shown for your viewers.

    12. Definitely the loadouts and obviously the pros and cons off be a private contractor….. You nailed it and like you said there are some stuff you can touch one

    13. For me it has to be The cost of free gear. Ironic but give an honest look at how the channel operates

    14. My favorite video is a toss up between the radian model 1 and the pros and cons of contracting. Both quality videos with great content. Congrats on making it to 25k, before you know it you’ll be as big as papa Garand……uh i mean GarandThumb…

    15. Congratz on the 25k subs! Favorite video was the pros and cons of contracting, really dispelled some of the myths about it for me. Much appreciated! Looking forward to more of your content!

      1. Certainly the “Pros and Cons of security contracting.” It is an essential watch for anyone considering that life instead of what the rumor mill churns out.

    16. My favorite video of yours is the pros and cons of security contracting, because it’s the one that got me into your channel

    17. Big fan of the deep dive on the honey badger. Watched all of those while mine was in NFA jail. Made the wait time bearable.

    18. My first and favorite video you did was about tuning an adjustable gas block. Really simple, but I liked the way you explained it. I also really liked your battle belt videos. Keep up the great work.

    19. Favorite video is the contracting video you recently did. Keep up the great work and congrats on the milestone!

    20. Honestly all your vids rock, long time sub here….way to rock the PNW! It’s what drew me out here to the beaver state from the East coast….keep up the good work brother!

    21. First off Congrats on the 25K! Now I first found your channel by researching the topic of PMC which then led me to your contracting video. You practically answered all my questions in that video except one so hopefully a second video comes out soon! That contracting video is my favorite because one, I’ve been thinking about doing contracting after my Military career and two, it made me subscribe and hit that notification button! I’m a adrenaline junky, I love America and I love guns which is why I love your channel!!! Keep up the good work man and just keep moving forward.

    22. My favorite video(s) was your series on depression, it wasn’t something I expected to see on your channel but I really enjoyed it.

    23. My favorite is actually a series on the monarch lakes or the Honey Badger build. Thank you for the opportunity. I’m a long time subscriber!

    24. My favorite video was the run and gun video at Sig Academy with the P320 and the Tread…


    25. I enjoyed the backcountry adventure vids. I also like to hear your point of view on gear and loadouts. Congratulations on 25k

    26. I randomly found the contracting video as I was scrolling through my feed. Figured I’d give it a look since I have a couple friends doing the same gig. I ended up really liking it and I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability in your stories, truth be told that’s what brought me back to the channel… I appreciate that your trying to help folks out. Not many people get an actual peak behind the curtain before signing/joining up. Best of luck and I hope to see the channel grow.

    27. Congrats on the 25k! Best vid is your Pros and cons of security contracting hands down. Great information for guys looking into it. Thanks for the content and keep up the excellent work.

    28. The best video is of course you jumping into a freezing river to test a fire starter. Their are plenty of videos of guys testing stuff behind their house in warm clothing, but none have jumped in a river to test it. Congratulations on 25,000

    29. My fav vids are the franklin lake series, really like hiking and and your outdoor style videos.

    30. For my favorite video I actually loved the Radical 7.62×39 rifle review. Negative, but informative. I needed that!

    31. Your spray paint pistol is my favorite. Simple and straightforward without fancy workshop, equipment, or exotic paints. Showed me it was easy to paint my pistol in my backyard with some simple, cost effective spray paints and without armorer’s experience or fifty tours in Iraq. First learned of your through the contractor video and stayed because of straightforward, honest reviews of attainable equipment.

    32. If I had to choose one video, it would have to be the 5.56mm Surefire Suppressor video. That was the first video of yours I saw, and although I already have a 300SPS, it gave me a better rational as to which can for which application. Keep up the great reviews!

    33. My fav vid was def the 2019 loadout , easily influenced me to a similar loadout, I’m young & barely getting into this seriously so you’ve really helped me begin my journey, thank you!

    34. My favorite video is the pros and cons of being a contractor. It is really interesting learning about something I never really thought of.

    35. My favorite video is “The Battle Belt”, it is what helped me find your awesome channel. It completely changed my thought process and what I knew about a battle belt. But the one video I have probably utilized the most is the “Suicide Part. 2: PTSD – Mil/Leo/Contractors” I use this video in my FTO training.

      Keep up the great work!

    36. Favorite vid is probably the float vid series. Love that stuff thank you for sharing! The pros and cons of security contracting was directed to me via YT algorithm and it got my interests right for once! Thanks for having an awesome channel

    37. The video that resonates the most with me is your “Reflecting on 9/11” video. I could feel the “real” in your voice and could see that the memory is just as vivid today as it was the day it happened. Congratulations on 25k!!!

    38. Man love your stuff proud american an gun own of Pennsylvania. Best Video “I Only Train With Ninja’s” Classic. lol

    39. My favorite video is one of your recent videos which is the pros and cons of private security contracting. It is the video that actually brought me to your channel. Also I enjoyed your tactical game loadout videos. The were very Interesting, especially to someone who is looking to getting into 3 gun competition

  2. I enjoyed your video on the Spiritus micro chest rig. I think your video was the first to really break down the modularity if the system.

  3. Congrats on 25k! First video I saw of yours was the rmr zero. From there I was hooked!

    1. Been watching your channel since I believe you were in California. At least the hills in the background did LOL. My favorite episode was the zeroing at 10 yards zero with a JTT zero target. I used your video to help me zero my guns. Keep up the good work!

  4. I dint know if it’s my favorite but the first vids I watched that made be sub were the Lems Boulder Boot reviews and I think you’re Battle Belt review. I dig your taste in intro/outro music. I also like the trips with the kids. Family is so important. I wish you continued success!

    1. Have to say Catharsis, Divorce, and the Range is one of my favorite video of yours! Some great talking points and was the video that got me to hit the sub button. Keep up the great work!

  5. I appreciate what you’re doing for the overall firearms community. You’ve nailed the perfect balance of “tacticool” and humility. To me that’s what makes your content so enjoyable. My favorite videos of yours are the ones with you and your boys. As a single father myself they have been a good and wholesome source of inspiration. I supposed it helps that we share similar interests and backgrounds. Anyhow, congratulations on reaching 25k and best of luck to you in the future.

  6. My favorite video is the MS Tactical Recoil competition meet you went to, which got me more interested in competitive shooting again; cross between 3 gun and a Mudder run is always a great way to burn a day off!!! Thank You and Congratulations!!!

    1. Best vid was how to paint your rifle. Hands down. Congratulations Ivan. #forthecause

  7. I love all your content, but I really appreciated the woodcraft that went into the pine-needle tea video. I know that seems like an odd choice but I really enjoyed it, and have been able to make it after viewing. It really rounds out what you create. Your content in general is apart from the hyperbole in the firearms community and I value your approach to it. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hey brother, I’m gonna keep this simple. I feel as if your videos on suicide may have saved lives. Very inspirational and heart felt. I’ve lost a couple friends along the way due to this epidemic. Thank you for your content and your positive influence on our culture as a whole!

  8. Ivan; Congrats on the subscriber’s. You put out great work, but I particularly liked the Deep Dive series on the Honey Badger. Great stuff.

  9. Dude, I dig the video on the Liberty Mystic X. I used it as a reference when I was looking. I ended up buying one!

    1. I had seen some of your videos before, but the contracting video made me subscribe. It’s nice to see someone openly and honestly talking about something that’s usually pretty hush hush in the community. The people that do talk about it often make it seem like it’s all travelling, big paychecks, nice cars and easy money. One of my other favorites is actually about Minuteman Munitions, not because it’s amazingly entertaining or anything, but because I like finding smaller companies that are doing good work for a good value. I’m happy to see when their ammo is sold out because it means they’re doing well. Glad to see you’re doing well too and hitting the exponential growth curve on YouTube. It’s only up from here.

      1. Congratulations on 25K!

        Still not sure why its not 100K, but give it a few months and you will be there.

        Keep up the great job!

        My favorite….
        The “Q, Fix” stands out, but I cant say a real favorite.
        The tactical games videos too….

        I have no idea…

  10. Hey Ivan! My favorite video of yours was the CZ 527 range report, from way before I was a subscriber. Keep up the awesome work!

  11. My favorite video isnt just 1 in particular. I really enjoy the tactical games videos!

    1. I love your review vids, they helpped me out a lot When building my first ar

  12. As for favorite videos, I really enjoy the Float Tapes series, as I was in the Navy from 1994-1999 and my second ship (97-99) was USS Peleliu (LHA-5). We deployed with the 13th MEU and HMM-164 KnightRiders. I was part of ship’s company and got to be friends with a few of the Marines. It is very interesting to me to hear your perspective as a Marine deployed on a ship. Same space, different worlds. Good stuff and Semper Fi! Go Navy!

  13. Congrats on the 25K milestone.
    Your low-key straight forward presentation is easy to watch and I’m sure has an effect on the positive results you’re seeing.
    I thought your pieces on mental health were very well done, and addressed an issue that, unfortunately, still doesn’t get the attention it needs.
    Keep up the good work!

  14. Thanks for letting me enter in the giveaway, and thank you for always sharing, good and honest content. My favorite video to date has been the Suicide series. Not only did I have experience with that in my life in my younger days, but have tried to help some friends that struggled/struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts. I really appreciate how open you were because I know how hard it is to share that kind of stuff. I know you helped tons of people with that series.

    I also really enjoy your gear reviews. On that end I think that you have some of the best “How to paint your rifle” videos on YT.

    Thanks again. 💪🏽

  15. I really like the tactical games. I am thinking about maybe getting involved. Also love the into and exit music.

  16. Awesome content bud, I really like when you give a review, you provide the substance to substantiate your opinion. keep up the great work I wish the best of success for you. Favorite video(s) you have produced so far is the strawberry mountain trip, reminds me of when I was running around in Alaska as a kid.

  17. My favorite video by you have been your “To Build a Fire” series. Anyone willing to bust through ice or jump into a creek from snow run off to create content is putting it all out there. Personally I have gone through a few Navy survival courses and I am fully aware of the affects of hypothermia. In watching that series I wondered, what was your back up plan? Obviously you didn’t need it. Keep kicking it out…

    r/ Bill

  18. My favorite video was the one with the hoodie you’ve had forever. Sounds odd but it just had a really nice feel to it.

    1. Love your radian model 1 review and appreciate every other video you do keep doing you

  19. I have been following the channel since the beginning. Too many videos in the running for favorite to narrow it down. I like hearing from people with more experience than I and it is a huge plus that your videos are in awesome locations and not a green screen or mom’s basement. Keep up the awesome & thanks!

  20. My favorite video series is the Strawberry Mt trip with your kiddos. I actually just looked and couldn’t find it. Did you take it down? Anyway, great job man. You knocked it out of the park.

  21. My favorite video would have to be when you came out to Sig Academy in NH. It was cool to see a YouTuber out my way and right down the road from my house at that. As always keep up the good work brother.

  22. 25k thank you vid is my favorite so far. I’m a huge fan of 12.5″ set-up. In my opinion it’s the perfect do-it-all length. I’m a minimalist hiker so I also enjoy packs and gear. Keep making killer reviews!

  23. Thank you first off for taking the time out of your life to put this content together that we might all glean knowledge from it. 🙏🏻 I really enjoyed your Siri’s on visiting Franklin Lakes Park. Congratulations on the 25k, I’m certain you will continue to grow here.

  24. I loved your strawberry mountain 2.0 series. Really highlights the difficulty of winter hiking and camping as well as the spirit it takes to adapt and overcome the adversity of nature saying no to a planned trip. Keep up the good work!

  25. Ivan,

    I’ve been following for a while now. I think what got me subscribed and looking for more content was your style of video making. From the beautiful backdrop to the great music and solid presentation. In every video your relaxed to the point style kept me coming back for more.

    Honestly there are thousands of “review” pages out there. All of them doing a variation of the same thing. It’s the high production value, video and audio quality, along with your attitude that stands kit badger apart from the rest.

    The video that jumped into my mind right away was “Strawberry Mountain: a misadventure”. I’m sure that was a rough day for you and you didn’t have to share that story with us, but you did. You shared it in a way that brought us along on the misadventure. Our gear got wet, we felt that hike and the slide. You showed some humility that’s so absent in the community. It was refreshing.

    Thanks for letting us come along for the story,

  26. Love your channel Ivan! The way you communicate clearly the topic of your videos without the BS is refreshing! One of my favorite vids is the one where you have your slide milled for an RMR! Keep them coming!

  27. Really Enjoyed the Float Tapes.
    Strawberry Mountain: A Misadventure
    Pine Needle Tea
    Cost of Free Gear
    And the Kore Gun Belt Review. Love mine!

    I guess that’s more than one video but I’d have to say the Strawberry Mountain Misadventure is my favorite

    Keep up the good work!

  28. Tactical games Meridian MS – 2019 all Days,
    all of them to be honest. Why? Sugar weasel lusting after it ha.

  29. I liked your free honey badger video, I think it puts it in perspective about how things work in the gun industry and I appreciate your honesty.

  30. Enter me in please! 🙂 if I could only pick one I would say my favorite video was your video reviewing the Liberty Mystic suppressor, I liked that it was your personal silencer and that you showed a fair amount of shooting and testing. Plus it allowed me to live vicariously while my cans were in NFA jail. Second place would undoubtedly go to the CZ 527 rifle project, I could feel your frustration and totally relate to not being able to get a rifle to shoot as well as it should be able to. Loved that series as a whole! Needs an update one of these days!

  31. My favorite video actually your retelling of your attempt to hike in during snow and your eventual crash of your vehicle.

  32. To date my favorite video is when you had an impromptu review of the D-MOS Shovel. I loved the authenticity of the review and it was a great way to show how useful having that shovel in you vehicle could be. You got stuck and were able to get yourself out with a lot of elbow grease and a tool that didn’t fail you. It’s what I needed to hear when looking for a review of the tool. Thank you for creating great content. I hope your channel continues to grow.

  33. I’ve been watching Kit Badger religiously since the first post you made to the TFB TV YouTube channel. Most of the time they bring on new reviewers and they’re lame, but your delivery, no frills style, and of course your intro/outtro music that’s not the same old recycled royalty free trash we’ve heard a million times, got me hooked.

    To date, my favorite video, or series, is the Uncanna products ones. I think that CBD is a wonderful option for people that are suffering with chronic pain, or sleeplessness, or seizures, and many other afflictions. To see someone from the gun industry and culture give even lip service to something so incorrectly tied to pot is rare, and it can open a lot of eyes to the beneficial nature of the substance in the future.

    My own family has been helped greatly by CBD and THC legalization in Michigan, with my long-time opioid patient mother switching entirely to CBD and THC to manage her chronic pain. It has been a blessing, because opioid addiction is such a serious and insidious threat to Americans today, and those worries simply do not exist with something as benign as CBD and THC.

    Please keep up the good work. I enjoy the gun stuff. You’ve given me a pretty firm stiffy for the Q products, but through your non-gun work, exploring CBD, showing how you’re trying to be a better parent, discussing the downsides of contracting, and just generally showing how to be a good dude working in an industry full of egos, you’re doing a lot more service than you realize.

    Thanks, Ivan.

  34. Thanks boss for the amazing content! My favorite videos by you are the float tapes. To see first hand where and what you were doing during 9/11 is very interesting. Btw your intro and outro music is banging! Keep slaying it boss!

  35. Very nice channel, good balance of entertainment and information , freakin beautiful scenery also. My favorite video, or series is actually on the tactical games. I did carry a gun doing security for a living for almost 20 years, just inconus, nothing exciting. I did a lot of training in that time, I am more curious about the games now as a test bed. I will never be physically able to do anything of the like anymore. Now I am just broken and trying to stay alive. I do have a suggestion for a follow up video, something I have been working on in my personal life. A concept of realistic priorities for civilians defensive firearm selection. I see you run shorter AR’s a lot, to me for civilians the shorter 7.5-12.5 ” is more suited to a defensive weapon for civilians, A full size, kitted out carbine may be overkill for most, for me anyway. Curious as to your views running the short barreled AR’s and if they have changed from competing in the games? Thanks

  36. All of them, your intro songs set me right! Surprised to hear some of that music coming from you and the gear you review is quality
    Those pig gloves are my new go to glove

  37. Thank you for the great video’s. I really appreciate your humble demeanor and the insightful information provided on a multitude of topis. By far my favorite series has been the Q Builds (both fix and honey badger)

  38. The two part CBD oil reviews has actually been my favorite as it really stepped outside of the box on what one would consider obvious for a channel like this. I think it added some real depth to the content.

  39. Congrats on 25k!

    I have a few favorite videos… The Fix by Q deep dive series I’ve re-watched 4 or 5 times. That rifle is fascinating.

    I also really like seeing your Tactical Games videos.

    Keep it up!

  40. Congrats on 25k! The video that made me subscribe was the pros and cons, but my favorite video(s) were you at Reveille Ranch tactical games. Sure it showcased your skills, but I was impressed with your availability to remain composed and bounce back into form instead of packing up and leaving because of possibly bad ammo and malfunctions beyond your control.

  41. Great vids and fav one is tactical games 2019 day 1. Keep up the hard work and I’ll keep watch. Thanks

  42. Congrats on 25k! I’ve enjoyed your channel since you covered the Honey Badger in depth, and I especially enjoyed the episodes covering how the Honey Badger and the Fix are built. Aside from those, I also really liked your video on Pros/Cons of contracting. Lots of info I had not known about contracting! Keep up the good work.

  43. Hey Ivan.

    Congrats on 25k! Your content is consistently awesome so I’m sure that number is going to blow up.

    Some of my favorite content of yours is related to silencer reviews. The Surefire rundown was perfect in helping me decide how to suppress my ancient AR 5.56, although I’m not sure about mounting one on a 20” barrel. 😀

    The 10 yard/50 yard zero target was a life saver when trying to zero my buddies EOTech on his AR pistol. Neither of us could do it when we tried at 50 yards.

  44. Definitely the vids enjoyed most were the review of the sig p320 for tfbtv or your surefire can reviews

  45. Surefire 556 suppressor run down.

    Helped me in research for purchasing a 556 suppressor.

    1. Congratulations on 25k Ivan! I really enjoyed your rifle rattle-canning videos. They helped me out in choosing a color scheme and foliage for my rifles. I also enjoy your straight-forward approach in all your videos.

  46. Keep up the good work. Returning to civilian life isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be. Semper Fi.

  47. I greatly enjoy your product reviews, they are quick, to the point, and well made. Thank you for all the information you make available to us.

  48. I first found found you because of your lems boulder boot review convince me to buy a pair and have been following you ever since!

  49. My favorite videos are where you are presenting something in the snow, but don’t acknowledge the snow at all. I find all of your videos to be very informative.

  50. Your review of the Vickers Tactical/ Tango Down magazine base plates was informative and concise. I bought them and couldn’t be happier with the end results; improved weapons manipulation. Thanks for your continued content. I’m a fan and applaud your success. 🇺🇸🗽🦅🇦🇹

  51. Ivan, I cannot just pick one video so here are my favorites. The series of Float tapes and Strawberry Mountain. As a fellow Marine the events on 9/11/2001 will forever be burnt into my life. Because of that day I have lost many brothers and sisters, but also gained many many more. Keep posting great content. Semper fi

  52. My favorite video is I guess goin back to blue force gear micro dump pouch. It helped me decide to pull the trigger on their while line up micro TKN , Dump pouch and thier molle belt . Keep making videos man and your subs will blast off . I bet you’ll make several 100 thousand in no time.

  53. Congrats on 25k. Favorite video(s) has to be the tactical games. I have been looking to get in to some competition shooting and 3 gun gets a lot of press but thanks to your videos I am looking more towards tactical games. Thanks for you continued coverage.

  54. Hey man, congratulations on the 25k!! Thanks for giving level headed and clear reviews and info on a variety of topics. I think I was first attracted by your HoneyBadger videos but I think the precision rifle course was my favorite. I also dig your videos on mountaintops!

  55. My best video so far…. the one where you are giving away an AR pistol! Just kidding, I am more of a gear fan so I enjoy your reviews. I am always seeking new and improved gear and mostly watch gear videos to help me with my job. Thanks Brother.

  56. I enjoy your gear reviews for smaller brands I might not have heard of before. A good example is the Edgar Sherman Design sling. Seems really slick and I plan to pick one up as soon as my preferred color is back in stock.

  57. Thanks Kit Badger. Love your posts. Would say my favorite vid was the deep dive you took on the honey badger by Q!

  58. Favorite video was the ESD sling review, which I thought was an awesome representation of the candid, relatable, and well-structured reviews. Thanks for the content and for sharing the insights. Hope you find it as rewarding as we do!

  59. Hey Ivan, my twin 7yr old boys like the hiking and camping videos with you’re kids.
    My favorite is the winter hotdog hike

    Have a great day Ivan and dont forget to give to your local Big Brothers organization

  60. I really dig your Float Tapes videos. Just finished watching the Australian field op right before 9/11/01. I was an 0311 from 05-09, so seeing that pre war, Old Corps is really interesting to me. Here’s to continued success!

  61. Loved the “11 Years with my Fugitive Hoody by Arcteryx” video. It’s always nice to see how every day wearables hold up in the long run before taking the plunge into my wallet.

  62. Been in the peanut gallery for a while, but the “ah ha moment” for me was the pros and cons video… something I’ve been doing a lot of homework on for the past year or so originating from wanting to do maritime security. Great input and opinions, loved the video and absolutely looking forward to the revisit.

  63. Congratulations! You put out great content and should be at 50K in no time. Being relatively new to the shooting scene, I use a lot of your basics and drill videos. My favorite is the video on how to utilize the 25 yard zero target since I’m limited to a 25 yard range. Keep up the great work.

  64. My favorite video to date was the one you put out a few days ago about making an improvised rifle sling for the Savage rifle you got your boy. Great content man!

  65. Congratulations, buddy. You deserve it.
    Favorite video: toss-up between your Henry AR-7 review and your Friends, Not Friends Shooting Drill. Both because I loved the dry humor sprinkled throughout; it was entertaining. The second moreso because you had a great way of breaking it down and explaining your method. You have an excellent teaching ability.
    Now if you want to talk series, it’s again a toss-up between the Panamint City hiking trip and your Battle Belt Series. The former, again, because I liked how you broke everything in to sections and went into detail. It was super influential as to how I set up mine. The latter because it’s just amazing to see you involving your kids and sharing your passion for adventure (and shooting) in a way that’s not pushy- it’s centered around them. It’s inspired me to take the same approach with my kids someday. Rad content across the board though, brother. Keep up the great work, and we’ll see you hit 50k soon. 😉

  66. Congrats on a well deserved 25K! My favorite video is the Surefire Warcomp review and the ESD Sling review as well. Great content and I hope to see the channel continue to grow

  67. I don’t have one favorite video that you have posted, however the Meridian Tactical Games videos unique in that you did not try to downplay your own difficulties of the games.

    The vast majority of tactical firearms YouTube personalities would have either quickly skimmed over that or just avoided it completely and I really respected that.

  68. So far it’s been your Henry 45-70 first look. It was actually my first video I found of yours because it was the rifle I was thinking of buying which I did thanks to you. I like almost all your videos though, you keep it simple and real, no gunfu and bs.

  69. I’ve enjoyed your content for some time now but the favorite videos typically are the ones involving your offspring. I find it important to see a parent engaged with their kids.

  70. My favorite episode you did was using the superlative arms gas block and showing how to tune it properly! Thank you!

  71. My favorite video has to be one of the Q customer build days. Honestly love those videos and showed me how Q is revolutionizing the industry. Love your videos Ivan!

  72. Hey Ivan, thanks for posting the subscriber give away it’s always cool to possibly win a gnarly prize like that blaster. I watch all your content and post usually goofball comments under the handle SCJMO and emailed you pics of my blaster that I painted around the time you posted your rifle painting idea. If i win I’d ask you to give it to my dude Wes who’s a coos bay, OR PD officer. He’s a Marine and a salt of the earth human being. I’d also ask that you sign and date the butt!

    My favorite content on your channel is the fieldcraft and soldiering vids particularly where you include your boys, it’s crucial we get them involved and build a strong next gen of bros and be the father that we all wish that we had.

    I love the short field craft vids you post, those are always great. Particularly the comms vids, some people have no idea where to start in their preparedness journey. Our experience and lessons learned are VERY valuable. Those short valuable not s word wasted vids are awesome: you, James Yeager and even magpul are churning out great field craft content.

    It’s hard to believe that it’s beeb 3yrs. I got on your channel early bec I liked you and after listening to you once I could tell me and this dude would be bros if we lived nearby.

  73. Love your review on the Pine Needle Tea, never expected that.
    I also thought your review on the Radical Arms 7.62 AR Pistol was awesome because you show the Good, The Bad and the Ugly, as someone who is looking for an AR, I find this video among all the rest of yours very informative. Trust goes a long way. Congrats on your milestone, and keep up the great work.

  74. I love your gear reviews, but favorite & most useful to date would be your Lower & Upper Receiver building series.

  75. I like watching your Adventure Log videos. As a dad, it is always cool to see people taking time to be with their kids and go on fun trips outside of the house. My dad always made sure we went camping and hiking on a regular basis. Keep up the great content.

  76. Hey, My favorite video of yours was the deep dive series on the fix rifle by q. It was really interesting to see all the little details of that rifle, presented in such a great manner. It’s been awesome to see your channel grow, and I’m happy it continues to! Thanks!!

  77. I liked that video of you in the snow with that little fire…. and your pile of wood kept changing throughout the video… like you went and gathered more…. i think you were by a lake or something… you had glasses on and had that incognito, im a nerd, but i f#@k you up thing going!! Lol. Anyways goodstuff man.

  78. Hey after watching your YouTube video, I think that I don’t have a specific favorite because all your videos bring something new to the tactical world that most others don’t bring. Honestly your review of the lems shows is what first caught my attention and then it progressed from there. I don’t actually care if I get the free “pistol” but just wanted to stop by and let you know that you have bomb content and keep up the great work you already produce.

  79. I loved your video about KORE Gun Belts. I really valued your point of view. I especially liked the how if a product seems too good to be true, then it probably is message. This really made me step back and remember that business’ are in the business of making money, and not everyones motives are to put their name on something they actually believe in.

  80. Dear KB,

    My favorite video is definite your tactical games loadout video because we not only get to see what you’re using in competition but also get to see products that aren’t even out yet like the Q Sugar Weasel.

  81. First discovered your channel looking at the Honey Badger build at Q. Enjoyed watching you put it together. A few months later I built my first AR.

  82. I really like the video if making pine needle tea I found it very interesting

  83. I enjoyed the HK P7M8 video you did as well as the honey badger videos. Congrats on 25k!

  84. My favorite video(s) are all the honey badger videos. Hard to find good videos of it and you definitely scratched that itch.

    I, like many others, found out about your channel because of the contracting video you made. Then I looked at your channel. AMAZED you havent blown up yet.

    These things tend to have a momentum though, given a few years I’m sure you’ll be at the top. Best luck in the future dude.

  85. Really like listening to someone who has been and done but isn’t a character from the A Team. I live the “so you wanna ba a contractor” video best. Both sides of the story.

  86. Hello Ivan,

    I really enjoyed the adventure videos with your sons the most. My husband and I have watched several of your adventure series and really hope to move out to Idaho one day to get to enjoy trips like that with future children. I like the way you handle your sons especially when the times get tough. It’s refreshing to see people doing stuff like that still with their children and you seem like a great father. I wasn’t able to find the playlist of the specific videos but it was when your older son was especially hating the trip and you handled it well. Hope to see more of your adventures with them. My husband wants to do one of the tactical games one day when his military schedule allows it, we hope to meet you there!


  87. My favorite video (series) was your trip to Q and watching a Fix get built. Keep up the awesome content, man! Thank you!

  88. Hard to say which vid is my favorite but I appreciate the rise in production quality over time. Also the nature backgrounds combined with your chill attitude remind me of Bob Ross.

  89. Don’t think I have a favorite video, I watch lots of them but not all. Love your targets and Q videos and can’t wait for more on the STI staccato P.

  90. Keep making awesome, informative videos! I really learn a lot from them. My favorite video would be on the Radian A-DAC lower receiver.

  91. favorite video was your harrowing journey up and back down the mountain. Congrats!

  92. Really enjoyed the heart to heart talks you did about suicide. It’s uncomfortable but I’m glad someone’s willing to bring attention to it. Keep up the good work.

  93. Congrats on 25K! My favorite video is the Tactical Games video, well videos. It has helped inspire me to workout and train more. I also love the Float Tapes series and who can forget being the guinea pig for IV use.

    Keep up the great work! Semper Fi!

  94. The first video I saw was the pros and cons of contacting. It was very informative and down to earth. I really appreciate the honesty and straight talk man to man in that one.

  95. Congrats on 25k! Favorite video was the one on the Safariland ALS holster. Helped get me into the shooting space with some awesome information. Keep it up!

  96. My favorite video was the hotdog hike. Made me realize that it is never too soon to get my kids out to the woods. So we have, many times. At aged 2&4 they just wander and I teacher them names of trees /plants.

    It’s been awesome. Thank you for the push.

  97. I really enjoyed your videos on the Tactical games. Its inspired me to bring my health up to snuff, a work in progress. I shoot IDPA and typically winded at the end of each stage, Ive not done some 3 gun courses and other “tactical” courses because of it. But that is on the change.

    I am glad to add your channel to my feed, enjoy the content you provide on YT and your web site. Love your shilloette targets, I use them frequently.

    Thank you.

  98. It’s easy for me to say which video is my favorite. Your video titled “The Cost of Free Gear” is by far my favorite. Not only do you have the beautiful scenery of the mountains and snow but it’s a great insight to how hard you worked to get where you are. I wanted to be a YouTube gun guy in the past so seeing that video really put it into perspective for me.

  99. Hi,

    first video I saw was about your pros and cons of contracting. I really liked it and
    Im sticking around for more on this topic, gear reviews and applications of it.

    Greetings from Germany – so no givaway for me I guess 😀
    I’ll keep watching anyway as im getting into hunting here, which is quite some effort legaly

  100. I started subscribing after I found your reactive target video with the balloon. Combined with your anatomy targets it has really improved my shooting. I set them up at 200+ yards, it’s a pain to keep walking out there but learning to shoot until the target goes down is totally worth it.

  101. I found the cost of free gear a huge hook.
    The ln from there your video on your Tours of duty etc
    I like how laid back you are about funding

  102. Congratulations on 25k , your killin it with the content. Definitely need to get out to tactical games at some point and compete.

  103. Congrats on the 25,000! Good to see you doing well and we all appreciate you sharing your knowledge. To date my favorite vid/videos are your Adventure logs. I have a young daughter and I look forward to doing that stuff with her. Shows that even in a hectic world littered with experiences both good and bad, we can all still enjoy family time.

  104. Your contracting video and your willingness to answer other questions I had helped me out way more than you know. I appreciate your positive attitude and willingness to share the information that you have. Congratulations on 25k!

  105. Can’t wait to see what you have planned for the future of your channel! I love all the reviews that you do and your perspective you give. I’m very glad I found you because you answered a lot of my big questions in your “pros and cons” video.

  106. Congrats on 25K! I have found your tactical game series of videos to be the most interesting. I enjoy the prep, execution, and AAR formula you have used to cover them.

    The gear reviews are also solid. Keep up the good work.

  107. Congrats on the 25k! My favorite video(s) would be the Suicide series. Those videos were , straight from your heart and most are afraid of talking on the subject. Love the videos, keep up the good work!

  108. If I had to pick just one video, it would have to be the first one I watched from your channel. Which was the review of the Spiritus Systems chest rig about 10 months ago. It really helped make my decision much easier on what I was looking for it a chest rig.

    Congrats on the 25k, here’s to another 25k and beyond! Cheers.

  109. One of the first videos I ever saw was the build a fire part 3. You jumping in the river and making a fire with the nanospark was awesome. Been a subscriber ever since. Congrats on 25k!

  110. Your style is pretty rad, I became attracted with your clean speech. I found you by your hike up Panamint! W/your sons. But my favorite is your walking out onto the frozen lake with no rope or preserver and walk right into the water, FKnAwesome!

  111. I dig your style, don’t change…favorite…the Versa Bear review….

    But for serious content your “deep dive” series on both the Honey Badger and Fix were very informative and well worth watching multiple times.

    Thank you for what you do.

  112. I’ve been watching you since about 10,000 I can’t believe you’ve reached 25k this fast, congrats! One of the videos I enjoyed the most was the uncanna cbd oil vid. It was something different that i never expected and well explained.

  113. Favorite video is footage from 2019 Tactical games. You got me interested in trying it someday.

  114. My favorite videos are from the tactical games. One day I’ll be courageous enough to enter one.

  115. I just recently found your channel and I really like it. Congrats on 25,000 subs! I just started my own channel, and it’s really motivating that you’ve reached that number. I’d love to be entered into the giveaway. Keep up the good work!

  116. The Pros and Cons of contracting. I’ve been following your channel for about a month previously but that video just provided me with information I was in need of. Thank you kit badger.

  117. Actually my favorite was the one you did on the Savage 110 desert tactical on TFB. That review convinced me to purchase one because of the great bang for the buck.

  118. My favorite videos have been of you at the tactical games. You looked so happy there and were obviously surrounded by some really fun people! It’d be cool to strap a gopro on your chest for the next games so you can walk the goods and bads!

    Keep it up!

  119. My first and favorite video was “Friend, Not Friend: A Shooting Drill”. Really cool story and a really interesting drill. I’m really glad I clicked on it and decided to subscribe. Congrats Ivan for 25k and thank you for all the great videos. 👍

  120. Oh man! So many videos I like, how do I choose? I initially found you because of your AttackPak videos. No one else really has a detailed review of it. I guess what I like the most about your videos are that they are not the same as everyone else. You review different products you actually use, such as the BeoFeng radio video. You don’t just do the flavor of the month. You also do real reviews such as the long term Lems Boots video. Finally, I really appreciate the honesty. You don’t only try to make yourself look good, such as in the fire making videos when cold and wet and the Tactical Games videos. Keep up the great work!

  121. favorite vid was actually one you did for TFB and subsequently led me to your channel, the ‘complete 1000+ Yard Precision Rifle for $1300?’ vid. Super cool and well done on the 15k subscribers, great content!

  122. Congratulations on 25K! My favorite videos were the CBD oil ones. It was something I was genuinely curious about but kinda avoided because of any stigma that comes with taking it. Your videos convinced me it was worth trying. Thanks!

  123. I enjoyed the tactical games series for 2019. For only having 25k your content is top notch. You’re going to break 100k quick.

  124. I can’t remember the title and I can’t find it, so it must be an old video lol. Oh well.
    What I like about your content is the relaxed yet informative style.
    Keep up the good work and thanks.

  125. I found your channel when searching the Q honeybadger and came across a range day video you had posted. I realized I had seen a video of yours in the past on a battle belt and I explored your channel deeper and subscribed. Thanks for the awesome content congrats on 25K

  126. Hello,
    I really started to follow you after you made a video on how to paint
    your rifle, I just appreciated how simple it was verses others on
    youtube that wanted multicam everything or something that looked tactical with out actually being practical. I also really enjoyed your class layout videos, I haven’t taken many classes and the last ones I did were over 5 years ago. I have I always wished that I had brought different gear, or upgraded equipment, or what I can go without. I liked the video you
    did for the layout to Meridian, MS especially, as well as the Viking tactics night time fighting class. Thanks for the opportunity and Semper Fidelis.

  127. Congrats on hitting 25k! My favorite videos would be the ones that introduced me to your channel, painting your AR-15 and your Glock! I was looking for tips and tricks on how to paint my AR and stumbled upon your channel. I liked the simple presentation and clean video style so I subscribed. Thanks for putting out all the great content!

  128. I first found Kit Badger when you did the deep dive into Q’s Fix. I was hooked after that. The Deep Dive series of videos are my favorite still. Additionally, I have really enjoyed the targets you provide. Thanks for the great content.

  129. I think my favorite video is the tuning your rifle with adjusting the buffer spring and buffer, made me feel a lot more comfortable choosing parts and pulling the trigger so to speak. Keep up the good work.

  130. Found you online.. I have been subscribed ever since.. favorite videos.. there are several but.. the float tapes.. and painting your rifle come to mind. Like others have already mentioned.. I love the honest, real world reviews.. no drama, no non sense.. thank you for your service, and thanks for doing what your doing!!

  131. My favorite vids are the gear reviews and build vids. Although, I am working through some of the tactical training stuff too which are pretty rad.

    Thanks for the content!

  132. My fav video is the one talking about your reasons for accepting firearms and such for review. It was the first video of yours I saw and it led me to your channel. I saw it when mrgng linked it. I appreciate transparency and honesty.

  133. Well the first video I saw was how to paint your rifle and was surprised how easy it was. Next I saw your contracting and tactical games videos super excited to compete in a tactical games just need to get some gear together. Thanks for the knowledge and congrats on the 25k subscribers.

  134. Ivan,

    I originally found your channel from researching the spiritus systems chest rig. As many others have said, the way you present feels very honest and down to earth which is what made me subscribe initially (the scenic background didn’t hurt either!). My favorite video however was definitely the “pros and cons of security contracting” that you put out a few weeks ago. I really related to the information because I recently started contracting in Africa and was able to get a veteran opinion on what’s good about and what isn’t and if I’m doing it for the right reasons. Keep up the good work!


  135. The first video I saw was your dv switch for the Glock pistol. I liked that one because it was a new price of equipment that I was unaware of and you did a great job explaining the reasoning behind it.

  136. Fairly new sub, but the first video of yours I watched was an older one on painting your rifle. I think my favorite so far though was the video on the 10 yard zero. It led me down a rabbit hole and ended up learning a ton about bullet trajectory because of it.

  137. Congrats on 25k! I liked the friend not friend video. I also like your non pretentious attitude. Keep up the good work.

  138. I just started watching your videos within past week. I really appreciate and enjoy the presentation of the products and the pertinent information you provide being an end user to weapon platforms. I was on the fence with 300blkout as well as platforms dedicated to the 300blkout. I just watched your breakdown of the Q Honeybadger and you were able to sell me the Honeybadger. I was so impressed with your presentation and Q that I emailed them a couple days ago with my appreciation for their inguenity as well as attention to detail. I just bought the Honeybadger pistol yesterday! Look forward to your future reviews and analysis.

  139. Congrats on 25k. My favorite video is/was your JPC plate carrier video. Thanks!

  140. I have enjoyed your videos on Q and Noveske products, especially the Q prototype pistol. The Q Lefty preview video is really awesome. I am excited for this product to come out, and have only seen it mentioned on your channel. Semper Fi Devil!

  141. Favorite video was the tactical games vids. Its something ive been wanting to do whenever they hold an event in Colorado so the coverage was great and honestly the best coverage ive found of the events held. Would love to see more of these! Also, nice pistol, it will look good in my safe and even better on the range with me as I shoot and train often. -Billy FieldCraftDefense.com

  142. My favorite videos are the ones about the 8.6 creedmoor. It’s a really interesting concept and Ivan always does a great job describing and explaining new innovations like the 8.6. The first video I ever watched however was on chest rigs. That video earned my subscription.

  143. The tactical games and how to stipple vid have been my favorites. Keep up the good work

  144. Well done & Well Deserved KB, I found your channel a year or so ago while searching for Rifle Painting and Pistol Painting, I subscribed that day and been a fan/supporter ever since. My favs are the Tact.Games vids and Adventures vids, but I enjoy all the lil tips/tricks, Hacks, & products you show us as well. Keep up the good work my man, you’ve got a knack for this! 👍🏻😎🇺🇸

  145. Favorite video so far has been the contracting video – I’ve been considering it as an option after the military and the amount of detail you went into and weighing pros and cons was extremely helpful. Look forward to seeing loads more content from the channel!

  146. My favorite video is also my first video I watched of yours. How to Zero a Red Dot Mounted Pistol Optic. That video came out around the same time I got my RMR. It was immensely helpful in getting me squared away!

  147. I love the fact that your videos lack tons of fanfare, it makes them feel straight-forward and honest which I really appreciate. I also admire that you are always grateful for your viewers, case in point this giveaway. The video you put out that I’ve actually watched more than once was the Q silencer overview video. I like it because of the sick footage of the Honey Badger. I really want one of those someday! Thanks for the chance to win, keep up the good work!

  148. Honestly I can’t choose one video I like all your content. I can say one thing I do like that I think sets you apart from others is the locations where you film. You always have the best scenery and the gorgeous views really add a extra layer to your content that other creatures may not consider. And you and the depth to the topic and you have on each of the best channels on the YouTubes!! Keep it up bro!!!

  149. Awesome job man, I actually found you through one of your how to paint your rifle videos. I really hope your channel continues to grow!

  150. My favorite videos are the how to videos that you do. The first one that got my attention
    was how to hack a stock M4 pistol grip.

  151. Float Tapes!!! As a GWOT Marine, I loved seeing the pre-GWOT era covered with so much great first hand footage. Also utilized your NF NX8 review when deciding to grab one myself. Thanks for the great content!

  152. Wow, thanks for the give away. I really liked your video explanation of your tattoos.

  153. Favorite video is the Nightforce NX8, that scope is incredible. I’ll still be saving for a while, but you convinced me.

  154. My favorite video that you’ve done to date was the Radian Rifle. There are not many videos out on the Radian Model 1 and you covered it in detail.

  155. Hey Kitbadger I found you when I was searching for patches and saw your patch video. Here’s to another 25k!

  156. Congrats on hitting 25k! I recently came across your security contracting video, which I really enjoyed! I’d say my favorite videos you post are about the training courses you have taken. I have been looking into getting more training and it’s awesome to get an idea of what to expect at these courses.

  157. Was up, my favorite video is the 10 meter zero to acquire a 50 meter zero. This helped me a ton since I do not always have access to a public range and need to get a quick zero. Being in law enforcement, a proper zero, that is easy and quick to acquire, is very important.

    You the man!

  158. Maybe not my favorite but by far the most useful vid I’ve had was your pro’s and cons of security contracting, really gave me a redpill on what I want to do with my life and where I want to go

  159. Man i’m glad I found your content recently, my favorite video of yours is definitely how to paint your rifle where you do the artic camo, not only is the info great, but that ending clip of you trying to spray the rifle and the wind just messing everything up…..I connected with that on a spiritual level lol

  160. The first video I watched was the Spiritus Systems chest rig review, but the most beneficial one I watched was the “Strap Management Hack”. I immediately used that tip.

    1. The one I recall really enjoying was the video where you described your elk hunt and the fiasco or trying to get the meat home. Great stuff.

  161. My favorite video was definitely the “how to paint videos” for rifle and pistol. I still haven’t done it, but I am going to take a crack at it this summer.

    Keep up the good work, love the videos.

  162. First saw you on tfb, and wondered who where. Finally ran across your channel a bit ago. The love the scenery (I’m guessing Idaho) If I win can I come shoot it with you?
    All you videos are decent no absolute favorites.

  163. The first of your vids I watched was your tactical games vid from Meridian Mississippi. What sold me though was watching your vid of the tactical games in Texas. Your perseverance through all the malfunctions and issues was great. Keep up the great work.

  164. My favorite video is the UnCanna video. Since that video I am about to finish my second bottle of the full spectrum CBD with a third bottle on the way. I had never heard of that before and thank you for introducing it to me. I sleep better and have far less anxiety on a daily basis. It really made a positive impact on my life. Thank you for that!!

  165. Of course the float tapes are the best. I miss the Corps, I don’t miss formations recounts, the administradia that goes along with being a SNCO, etc.

  166. My favorite video was Strawberry Mountain; A misadventure. I know it was a bad day and overall terrible thing to happen but it was a rad story and video. It was great because I think a ton of people’s ego’s would have gotten the way of posting such a cluster. Thanks for the awesome content!

  167. The first video that caught my eye was “Pros and Cons of Security Contracting”. However what I have enjoyed most is the diversity of content. What I mean my “diversity”, is that you review gear, guns and share your adventures. Being a father, outdoorsman, and a bit of sheepdog, what you have posted has not just tied into my interests but has helped encourage me to make sure I get my kids out on adventures.

    One video series idea would be to review state and national parks with an eye for taking your kids on adventures. Of course this idea speaks to all of my interests. But I wonder if there are a bunch of other fathers out there who would be excited watch and be inspired by the same thing.

    You are doing good work. Keep going.

  168. My favorite video is a fairly new one: “How to make a Lightweight Rifle Sling for Kids,” because I can’t wait until my sons are old enough to take shooting!


  169. My favorite video so far is also actually one of the first that I watched: Your video about painting a Glock. I’ve since got over my fear of messing up and painted a few of my guns. Thanks for all you do and Keep up the good work.

  170. Congrats on 25K, that’s so awesome!

    I’ve enjoyed all of your videos, but your Tactical Games series have inspired me to get off my butt and to start training again with the hopes of competing the Tactical Games. Thanks for the hard work you put in, it’s sincerely appreciated!

    (Of note, I’m sure that AR pistol would help my performance once I do compete 😉, just saying)

  171. My favorite series is tactical games series as well as the strawberry mountain series! They inspired me to train for the games in my own state of AZ!

  172. I love a lot of the different content. I’m fired up every time I see a new float tape video post. Also super into the backpacking vids. Hats off for how tough it must be to film all of that. (and then lose it and have to start over). Probably my favorite vids though are the ones of the Q products, build videos, and explanation of how the stuff works. Their stuff is awesome. I have 3 of their cans in jail now cause of those videos.

    I’m a big fan of the video style and the lack of the hype found in other channels. Thanks!

  173. My favorite video of yours is a tie between two. The 10 yard zero video because it is really helpful and will cut down a ton of time when zero-ing a rifle. And also the video on stippling because it shows people that there is no right or wrong, its upto them to decide what they want.

    Keep up the great content Ivan, as many of us have noted we really appreciate the hard work you put in.

  174. Hi, Ivan. Very cool giveaway for your successful 25K. My favorite video (series) was the CZ rifle you had chopped down and has been giving you issues in the accuracy department.

  175. My favorite video and probably one of the first that I watched was the one where you sent your 17 slide to be milled for an rmr. You just came off as super non douchy and like you really wanted to help people out with they’re decisions. It’s amazing to me to see that all this time later you haven’t changed a bit. Thanks so much for that Ivan.

  176. Hey KB!

    I must have started following you stuff and subscribed around you battle belt series, particularly the Safariland ALS Holster video. I guess that one is my fav mainly because it had a fair amount of influence when I made my holster purchase after doing some research. But honestly, I really like all your videos a lot. You have a comfortable laidback style that makes for easy viewing and listening, especially your “storytelling” videos like the one on your crash on strawberry mtn (I think that was the mtn name). Anyway, I’m just a civilian with a love for country & constitution that appreciates what you do, (and done).

  177. I dig the Tactical Games vids. First, they helped me prepare for doing one here in Texas. Second, they also showed me that no matter how good you are, you can still have a bad day. Third, the last vid from Reveille Peak Ranch showed that despite a bad day, you can still be gracious, have fun, and can finish in the top 5. Nicely done.

  178. The contractor video popped up in my recommended now I have watch a lot of your videos are have been enjoying them. The ones that hit the best for me are the Float Tapes! I was in the AF at that time and like to see what other service members experiences were like during 9/11 time frame.

  179. My favorite videos were the Q deep dive series. Really interesting to see the machining and design that go into their rifles. Congrats on 25k and keep making great content!

  180. Congrats on the channel growth. As for favorites I’ve enjoyed many of the videos but one of my favs was your camping “misadventure” video and how you handled it…good practical thinking as I’m a mountaineer and ice climber so conditions matter…lol

  181. My favorite was the series of videos you did at the Q factory going over the specifics of how they build the Fix and Honey Badger. I liked the detailed information on how they build things that a typical consumer doesn’t really get to see all the time.

  182. Congrats on 25K!! My favorite video has to be a tie between The Battle Belt and the AttackPAK Battle Belt. Awesome videos and good alternatives to some of the more “name brand” belts out there.

  183. Congrats Ivan.
    Mine would be the Pros and Cons of Security Contracting. Reminded me of a lot of good and not so good times, all at one time. Plus I have a picture of that same sign (in your picture) hanging in my man cave.

  184. So far my favorite videos have been your float tapes series. It is an interesting look back in time, and you’ve done a great job narrating through the clips to give us better context about the situations. Keep up the good work.

  185. Congratulations on 25k! Favorite video is definitely the ‘Pros and Cons of Security Contracting.” Thanks for the opportunity! Keep the content coming!

  186. First Video/Videos I watched were the making of the Honey Badger. Hooked ever since. You make awesome informative content.

  187. Man my favorite video to date is split between the tactical games loadout vids and the float tapes episode 4. Fuck is awesome seein the day to day life of bein in the fleet and at the same time the tactical games loadout helped me get squared away and minimize what gear I had. Keep up the good work man your channel is filled with inspiration 🤘.

  188. By far the float tapes and general banter with the boys are the best. Congrats on 25k man

  189. I found you from the “12”x20″ Silhouette Target & Stand by AR500 Target Solutions” video and it is still one of my favorites. Congrats on 25k!

  190. I’m relatively a new subscriber, I found your channel by video searching the for the Q Honey Badger review. that was my first video I seen that’s stood out. Soon after seen the initial review, I watched factory assembly and then I found myself watching more and more reviews. The quality production, good information and I like the various gear also reviewed.

  191. First Video I found was on Q. Like the reviews. The hiking adventure videos are my favorite, though I think the tactical games and the Video on the sig tread course is my favorite.

  192. Great work as always. Enjoy the content and topics. Although I do not have a military background, I certainly appreciate those that do and the insight to that world. You’ve got great reviews, and the “cinematography” you present is top notch!

    I really liked the Fraklin Lake Adventures with your boys. My son is 15 now, and it’s not as easy getting them to hang outdoors as much with you…lol.

  193. Hi Ivan. Wow, 25k! That is wonderful. There are two videos that came to mind: #1 Hot Dog Hike. I really enjoyed seeing you and “triggerjerk” out with the kiddos. #2 was, ironically, the Gray Suit video. Why? It’s a topic for a personal communication. Blessings and thank you Ivan for your hard work.

  194. Wow so many comments! My favorite videos that come to mind are the Baja 1000 ones. It’s some thing I have always wanted do. I think it shows your let’s do it attitude. Keep the good stuff coming! PS Cali resident.

  195. Just started watching your content and really interested in painting my AR and long gun…great honest presentation and a huge thank you for all content

  196. ”Catharsis, Divorce and the Range” that’s the vid i remember the most was doing some research from my divorce and gun vids lol and came across that vid that it was so cool how you brought the ”suit to a full circle”!!. and to find my north star thanks man for the help and cool vids.

  197. Haven’t had a chance to browse through a ton of your content, but the “How to make a lightweight rifle sling for kids” is pretty awesome. My Nephew is about that age where I can start introducing him to the world of firearms, so it’s definitely handy.

  198. Unironrically one of my favorite youtube channels. Definitely inspired me to move to Montana go outdoors and maybe one day starting a youtube channel of my own.

    I don’t know if you are going to read all these comments but I would be interested in more exercise videos. Maybe some general physical preparation (gpp) stuff or maybe some weightlifting stuff (miring your snatching Sasquatch t shirt you sometimes wear). I feel that fitness is something that gets overlooked in the firearms industry.

  199. I like the Cost of free stuff video. It is nice when a person stands up for honest principles.

  200. I love all the tactical games videos. Also appreciated the “viral” contracting video. keeping it down to Earth and grounded in reality. Keep up the good work.

  201. Your pine needle tea video is probably my favorite, I enjoyed learning some new bushcraft skills.

  202. It’s so hard to choose a favorite, you have so many good videos. But I would have to say my favorite is the review of the Savage 110 Tactical. Your video was informative, honest, and straightforward, and was directly responsible for me choosing to buy that rifle.

    (My second favorite was the CBD video)


  203. Congrats on the great accomplishment! I’m a new subscriber, I ran across your “How to Paint Your Rifle” vid and really found it informative. Thanks for the excellent content and I look forward to watching the rest of your vids.

  204. My favorite video is the first video I ever watched when you gave a step by step on how to paint your rifle. I’ve been a subscriber ever since. Thanks for the videos, knowledge transfer, and the giveaway. We all appreciate it.

  205. You’re awesome man. I’ve been watching since the very early days and have enjoyed them all!! Recently my favorites have been the tactical games and gear setup videos! You’re a great entertainer and come across as a rad human!

  206. like many i found you with the contractor video. i soon watched many more. i really like your calm ego free style.

    i like all so far but especially the camping videos and ones with your son. grandpa here with a seven year old ready for the next adventure.

    word is getting out. i think you’ll have 100,000 in a year or so and 250,000 sooner than you think. your videos are well done and you have a broad range of content.

  207. Congrats, Ivan! My favorite video so far was probably the divorce and catharsis video. I also really liked your reflecting on September 11th video and your series on suicide. The float tapes have been really interesting as well. Hard to pick a favorite. Your success is hard earned. Thank you for all of the great content.

  208. Holy crap! Video aired today and there are over 200 comments?!?
    I vote for competition videos and what gear survives.

  209. My favorite video was the first video I saw…the pros and cons of security contracting. It was your honesty that kept me coming back. Keep up the great work.

    1. Hey congratulations on the 25k and it was The video of the pros and cons of security contracting that got me interested in your page or your channel keep up the good work I keep the videos coming I see great success in your future

  210. I loved the contacting video and honestly all your videos. Not a bearded wanna be but a genuine person with great content. Jeep up the great work.

  211. One of my favorite videos would have the be the safiriland als holster u did that made me buy a holster for all my pistols so I can use the Qls system

  212. I dont really have a favorite video per se , but if I had to choose it would most likely be anything involving all of the Q videos. Congrats on 25k.

  213. Congrats on 25k, buddy! Very cool and deserved. I have to say that your Divorce/Catharsis video endeared me the most to you because it was so open and you were clearly trying to help people and build a community, but I’m not sure it’s my “favorite.” That probably goes to your To Light a Fire series. In other hands, that series could have come off like a cheap gimmick to do shocking things just to get viewers, but you were clearly going all the way to test yourself and your kit against a story that genuinely resonated with you. Keep up the great work and I’ll keep up the support, man. Congrats again.

  214. Congratulations on the 25k subscriber. Probably my favorite videos on your channel are the tactical games and the float videos. Both show great content and a bit of history of what you and the country have gone through. Thank you.

  215. One of the videos that stands out to me was the “Q” build series. You took me on a journey of knowledge & educated me on what makes Q who they are & what goes into the Honey badger. I was searching for more information about this product & stumbled upon KitBadger & I’ve been hooked every since & look forward to seeing whats new on the channel. The content is no BS & well thought out & pleasure to watch. The quality of content is top notch. I’m excited to see where the channel goes & will Continue to support your efforts. Thanks for all your time & effort it’s very much appreciated! Keep it coming & thanks for opportunity to win even if I don’t.

  216. I found your channel through your contributions to TFBTV. I thoroughly enjoyed the reviews, however I really enjoyed your talk about working as a security contractor. Though it’s not a field I will probably ever find myself in, the stories you shared were both informative and intriguing. Thank you and I look forward to future videos.

  217. I really enjoy all your videos, like the perspective, however you Tactical Games Prep and Load Outs have been my favorites. Congrads on 25K

  218. Although not military or LEO or anything like that I have enjoyed your videos and presentations as they are unique and different than sooooo many of the others. That being said, my favorite video so far was when you put a home made sling on your son’s gun. As an older father with a 8 and 10yr old I think it is vital that we bring our kids up understanding firearms and their implications. Please try to do more vids incorporating kids and their education in this/these activities, thank you…!

  219. My favorite video (series) of yours is the Tactical Games series. I have been taking classes and doing local USPSA/IDPA competitions for a few years, but your video series showed me how much more there is to being proficient with firearms. I have been working out using free weights and compression bands to get back in shape. When I get to slacking I watch Tac Games Pt 3 where you’re hauling ass with those weights, and it helps get me in the mindset of what’s to come after I do that next rep and push through that suck. Thank you so much for exposing your vulnerability and putting it on the line to show us what’s capable if we work hard enough.

  220. I first found you when I saw your Spiritus Systems Micro rig review but I loved watching your pros and cons of security contracting. It lead to a lot of long talks with my family about it. I tried getting my wife on board but to no avail.

  221. Congrats Dude!! I’ve been a subscriber since I stumbled upon your how to paint your rifle video. So I’d have to say that’s my favorite for opening my eyes to one of my now favorite pewtubers.

  222. Hey! Your tactical games videos are my favorite I love watching people compete.

  223. I really enjoy the Strawberry Mountain videos as I’m into backpacking and outdoor treks. It’s fun and interesting to see others’ gear choices and I can vicariously be outdoors when I’m inside at work! 🙂

  224. My favorite video was your contracting experience video. It made me realize some things are more important than money.

  225. Favorite video was the tuning of that pistol with the adjustable gas block. I didn’t end up getting one because I fixed my overgassing with a heavier buffer. Keep up the great vids

  226. Hey man really enjoy the tactical games vids, its cool to see shoots get out there. I’m hoping to try tactical games myself if I can take leave. Cheers!

  227. My favorite was “the Lefty” video where you used a toilet paper tube as a mark up. It’s my number one pick because it is still the only video on YouTube with information on that suppressor.

    Also, thank you for the update on the Lefty you provided over on Patreon!

  228. All of ur videos are very informative especially if ur running the same gear I have or would like to get, congrats on 25k and of course my favorite vid is ur contractor video it has my eyes open for any good contracts I may come across when I get out of the military In two years

  229. Congrats on hitting 25k! My favorite video would have to be Strawberry Mountain: A Misadventure. Good lessons to be learned. I found your channel when I was looking for bino harness/chest rig modifications. Which led me to your Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chest Rig – Bino Harness Hack video. Great info and content! Keep up the good work,
    Semper Fi

  230. Best video was the hike with your boys. Reminded me of all the adventures I have had and still having with my boys. Feel ALL boys need that adventure, some adversity/accoplishment and time with a Dad or mentor. Only in trips like you posted can that be had.

  231. First video I watched was your battle belt setup vid subscribed after watching it keep up the great work. My favorite may be the shooting in the suit video I don’t know why but it just seemed so personal.

  232. I rely enjoyed your honey badger deep dive videos. My buddy is and I are putting a SBR and I am looking to build one just like it. I particularly like the lower, I am looking into an ambidextrous mods to put on my ARs.

    1. …contenued
      I almost forgot to post the date or my favorite Honey badger video. 16 July 2018

  233. All of the videos are great but the Honey Badger deep dive are my favorite videos and how I was introduced to your channel.

  234. My favorite video has been the discussion of private contracting. I appreciated your honesty and candor about it and it’s affects personally and in your circle of influence. Overall I like your “every man” approach to your reviews and talks.

  235. First video I saw, and by far my favorite, was the rifle painting video. A close second would probably by the ones on the surefire suppressors, as well as the warcomp. Congrats on 25k, be at 50k before you know it!

  236. I discovered your channel after searching for reviews of the Henry AR-7. Your conversational delivery and calm demeanor is what made me sub browse your other content. Favorite? I couldn’t say, I’m still watching. Congratulations on 25K!

  237. Always enjoy watching your Tactical Games videos. Lots of interesting shooting and physical challenges combined, which require max effort. Also, liked how you were recently a little disappointed in your 2nd place prize of a backpack but the photo of your son wearing it and loving it was pretty cool. Really enjoy your content and look forward to seeing more!

  238. Howdy

    I first ran across the channel looking at gun belts, so I’d say the belts video is of particular note.

  239. I found your channel from the Pros and Cons of Security Contracting video but my favorite is Float Tape: Part – 4. It gave me a look at what I may experience in the Marine Corps when I leave for Parris Island in the next few months. I also asked what you did in the Corps on one of your videos and you replied so fast to my comment. I was pretty surprised and appreciated it greatly. Congrats on 25K subscribers! It’s only going to grow more at this point!

  240. My favorite video you was the pros and cons of security contracting ypu really opened my eyes and it helped with my decision thank you for the amazing content

  241. The tactical games series was rad. I had no idea about it till I found your channel

  242. I like the “Range Day With Caleb” video
    Hey do i need to write out any sentimental stuff too?
    Well “since” im going to win this. Send it to me dirty i’ll clean it up

  243. I enjoyed your video on The Cost of Free Stuff, very eye opening as to what it takes to put on a channel.

  244. Any/all of the float tapes. Congrats on 25K and the Patreon gigi. “EX IV” from YT.

  245. My first video was the security contractor one and have watched a bunch so far keep up the great work man

  246. My favorite video was The Fix Rifle By Q: Deep Dive video series. I bought the Fix and watching the process of building one with the engineer explaining the what/why/how was really cool. Deep dive part 1 was the first video I saw and what brought my to your channel. Subscribed for the rest of the content. Congrats on 25k subscribers!

  247. Grats on the 25k! My favorite would have to be any of the Q Honey Badger deep dive videos. They were how I found your channel.

  248. Your Float Tapes series as a whole would have to be my favorite. Showing your unfiltered experiences in the Marine Corps leading up to 9/11 and how it impacted your deployment afterwards is a perspective that’s hard to find documented like this. Really appreciate you putting in the effort to share it after finding the footage so many years later.

  249. I really liked the deep dive series you did on the Q Honey Badger and The Fix. Those were probably the first of your videos I found and I subbed after that.

  250. I was a little late to the channel but the Honey Badger reviews is what got me to the channel. Also like everyone else really enjoyed the defense contact video was very insightful

  251. I really liked your video on the adjustable gas block. Informative and to the point!

    Thanks, Scott

  252. Thanks for the giveaway. Favorite video so far has been the Tactical Games coverage. I started doing Run and Guns last year and want to do the tactical games as well. Looks awesome.

  253. Congratulations on 25k. I found the prod & cons of contracting really interesting. I have no military experience and usually curious how a lot of that works.

  254. I am a former marine 0311. I first watched your video on pros and cons of contracting. I’ve been out for eight years and realized that deployment was the only thing I really missed. I don’t know why. However After watching you video I’ve changed my life style in order to get back in to shape I head to the range more often. If nothing else You’ve inspired me to get up and do the things I love and break out of my funk. Great job man.

  255. One of my favorite videos was the Backcountry BaoFeng radio. But the real reason I keep watching is the awesome music.

  256. Well picking just one video proved too problematic so I went with the top 3…

    Uncanna Full Spectrum CBD Oil: Part 1 & 2
    Disabled Veteran and constantly looking into all forms of non-habit-forming pain relief.
    Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chest Rig
    Confirmed my research that this is a piece of kit that I want
    The Magic of Tapers (on Barrels, Muzzle Devices and Silencers)
    WoW, really impressed with the design and function. These are terribly smart pieces of hardware.

    …, there are more but I’d digress too far down the rabbit hole. Please keep up the good work as your content is greatly appreciated.

  257. Hey brother,

    Entering for the giveaway. I appreciated the Motivational tattoo video. First to come to mind.
    I think personal stories are important and yours is most consequently the reason your content is so rad

  258. Came to ur channel doing a search for tactical athletes games… love ur stuff and I’m pretty I was the 25,000th subscriber so I should definitely win… congratulations brother

  259. My favorite video and the one that turned me on to your channel was the contractor video. Was interesting.

  260. Job well done buddy. My favorite vids have been the Tactical Games series. I knew there was stuff out there like it but, usually it’s for active duty Mil/L.E. That was some awesome content. 50K Subs: 01/01/2020. You got this!

  261. Hi Ivan, my favorite video that you did when I first came across your channel 2 years ago was “Zeroing a Pistol Mounted Red Dot Optic” A couple of years ago I got an RMR and put it on my Glock 19 pistol and was completely new to the subject and your video explained the concept of zeroing thoroughly and helped me out a lot! In terms of gear and training, your videos have not just answered my questions of “What” but more importantly the “Why?”:Lastly thanks for posting your Tactical Games vids too. I really enjoy them!

    Congratulations on reaching 25K! I have no doubt that you are not finished yet.

  262. The clothing reviews by far are the most comprehensive and thorough out there. However, I really enjoy the tactical games vids. Look forward to those most.

  263. My favorite video was your military tattoo and war story. It was cool knowing your background. I like your content, keep it up!

  264. Really into the Float Tapes and the Tactical Games recently. But overall I enjoy most videos you put out. Keep up the good work.

  265. My favorite video was when you swam across the lake towning the OR dry stuff sack. I had just gotten one and it was nice to have the peace of mind having watched the vid

  266. I wanted to say I love the contracting video but I think my absolute favorite do far is the tactical games videos. Really enjoyed seeing what you brought and how you handled the events. Hope to see more in the future. Keep up the great work.

  267. Congratulations! I like several of your videos, but my favorite so far is the video on the sling you made for your son’s rifle. I like that you made a simple yet effective sling for things you already had.

  268. this would be awesome to win! your one of my favorite content producers. especially love the Q stuff

  269. Hey Ivan, my first video of your’s that I watched was on the Spiritus Systems Arctic Chesty Rig! It was really informational and it was matched with excellent scenery!

  270. Strawberry Mountain Misadventure was my favorite video. I also really enjoy how you shoot your videos outside in awesome places. I grew up in Coeur d’ Alene and enjoy seeing some of the familiar locations. Keep up the awesome work!

  271. Congrats. I appreciate your content and I like your voice it’s nice and calm it makes the videos that much more interesting. My favorite video out of all not sure why is the pros and cons of contracting, on March 18 2019. I would never do it but it was always something I thought about and made me curious how that particular life style is like it’s very informative. Thank you and continue on with more great content.

  272. I’m one of those you mentioned, who subscribed after seeing your video on the Pros and Cons of Security Contracting. Since I’m fairly new to the channel, I haven’t seen all of your videos. Yet.
    But my favorites so far, are the reviews. You do a fantastic job with those videos, and they have helped me make go/no-go decisions on several items. Also, I thought your non-review of KORE guns belts was greatness. And I mostly agree with your philosophy in Grey Man, Velcro, and Morale Patches. Thanks for the quality content, and the amazing scenery in the background!

  273. Greetings Ivan,
    As a response to your giveaway video, I would have to say that my earliest memory of your YouTube channel would have to be the Fisher Space Pen/ Field Notes video. I particularly enjoyed the subtle life advice surrounding the concepts of note-taking and being generally “prepared” for the adversity and problems that daily life might throw at us.
    Congrats on the 25k!

  274. Favorite video so far was the tuning of the ejection pattern with different buffer weights and springs. I believe an adjustable gas block is the better fix for an over gassed rifle but the average joe can more easily tune with buffers

  275. Being from CA, I still want to leave a comment b/c I really appreciate your content especially the gear reviews of the spiritus chest rig and gloves (SKD PIG and Viktos Wartorn). I am in the market for either a chest rig or a war belt. Thank you and keep up on the work!

    p.s. I will take a pair of either gloves 😉

  276. All the videos are good, authentic and strong. The contractor vid was awesome, especially the location.

  277. That’s actually a tough question. I like the float tapes, gear reviews, and tactical games.

  278. Great content man, I really like your loadout videos for the tactical games it’s cool looking at the different gear you use. You also interested me in security contracting. I’m thinking about applying before my time in the corps is up. Thanks for the great content and keep up the awesome work!

  279. Love your videos, and while I can’t be entered in this give away as I’m only 20 and can’t own pistols my favorite video is the tactical games load out video, because you came to my state to do some tactical games!

  280. Congrats on 25k, Ill go with the first vid I think I saw was the video about the DMOS shovel.

  281. I enjoyed the “Cost Of Free Gear” video. Shed a light on things and then everyone started talking about it after. I also like a look behind the curtain, when all the false bravado is gone and what life really looks like.

  282. Hi Ivan, I’ve been watching, I think, since the beginning. I really appreciate all of the time you put into your videos and have enjoyed hearing your perspective on so many topics.

    Your technique and drill videos are my favorites. I’ve definitely picked up more than a few tips that have made me a better shooter.

    Keep up the good work!

  283. Congrats! My favorite would be a series. The strawberry mountain series. I havent managed to get out camping in the snow but definitely on my list!

  284. My Fav video would have to be ether Goat lake, or the one where you messed up your truck … I Think it was called Strawberry mountain misadventures. I love the reviewS and the competition stuff, but the real life “challenge accepted” stuff is my bread and butter.

  285. Favorite video is the one with your son’s 22 just had my first kid and he’s 3 weeks old so it’s nice seeing other dad’s teach three kids about guns

  286. I loved watching your compitition vid that ended with you giving the backpack to your son. Not to mention that you always have the best music in your vids, keep up the great work.

  287. Great job on 25k subs.more to come.Thanks for being honest and genuine. I’m fairly new to the channel and have watch about a dozen videos to which I believe my first video was on the Radian Weapon system/ ADAC lower. I enjoy all different sorts of videos from freeze dried food to the latest whiz bang thingy. Ultimately the creator makes the video not the product for which you review in my eyes. I enjoy the grown up non tactical bad-ass approach of your video’s.Enjoy your journey and stay humble.

    Please skip this comment for eligibility for the AR pistol.

    Just wanted to say congrats and thanks.

  288. The vid that originally brought me to where we are today was the original Lems review. I guess I liked you. So I stayed a while and learned how to paint guns and jump in icy water and try to do things that are hard when you’re warm.

    Favorite video(s) are still from the trip up to the mountains and camping with your boys, and eating sandy macaroni. That was the first time I got to see Ivan the dad.

  289. My favorite video would have to be the story behind your tats and I really appreciate the information you share with everyone

  290. I’ll be honest, I don’t have a favorite video. I like the videos and content but I really like the way you reply to comments. That shit is hilarious and your sarcasm is on par with mine. We’d probably annoy a shit ton of people if we were at the same event. So, congrats my dude. That’s pretty rad how your subs jumped like that. Just reminds me that I gotta do more videos myself.

    1. I’d have to say all of your tactical games videos are my favorite. It’s really helping me to push to get to that level as a shooter to one day compete in the games.

  291. My favorite videos are probably still the ‘To Build a Fire’ series. Gear reviews that are backed up with actual legit field testing are the most useful and entertaining. It’s also cool to see some of your long term reviews. Although many of those products are no longer available it’s great to see companies making stuff that lasts. Finally your videos on return/repair experiences are awesome. Again, it’s cool to see how some of these companies handle you after the sale.

    Congrats on your success!

  292. the flashlight oil on lens video and the value in struggle video are some really good ones i’ve thought back to often. I remember seeing you at like just under 1k subs and being really surprised you didn’t have more. keep it up homie you’re doing great.

  293. Thanks so much for what you do and the time you take to make content for all of us!! And thanks for the chance to win!! Hard to say my fav vid. But since i have to Im gona say all of the Tactical Games vids!! Love watching those and the Loadout vids too. Lol

  294. Hey there KB, Big fan of your video review of the Arc’teryx fleece, you had for years. It’s unique that you would review some tried and true well used gear. Most reviews are of new gear and most things work well when new, generally speaking. I liked it because if you’re going to spend the kind of coin, to buy high-end stuff, it’s important to know how gear at that price point will hold up over time and use. Also, the video was shorter; it’s nice to have a mix of shorter and longer 2, 3, 4, and 5 part videos available for variety. Great Job! Keep it up!

  295. For the sheer amount of laughing I did after watching, the “Grey Man” video is probably foremost in my mind. The delivery on “Hans Gruber’s third cousin” line was perfect and I’ll probably never forget it. Keep up the good work!

  296. The pine tea video taught me stuff I never knew. Now making pine tea will be much more enjoyable in the Pacific Northwest U.S.A.

  297. Favorite video would be the comprehensive review of the Desert Tech SRS-A1. As always, quality video and review.

  298. I really liked the “Pros and Cons of Security Contracting” as it is a topic that has always interested me, but the general loadout videos are always a good watch, and It is cool to see gun review channels that do more than just go to the range.
    Thanks for posting quality content

  299. I think the first video I watched of yours was the viktos gloves vid, but I usually enjoy your outdoor camping type videos the most.

  300. I change my mind, some of my favorite stuff on your channel is easily the Float Tapes. Having a good time watching them.

  301. Strawberry Mountain vid. Even though you didn’t make it again you stuck it out and found enjoyment being out of doors. Making the best of the time. Great inspiration. It is fun to watch your adventures when I’m not on my own. Keep up the great work. From an old Ranger…Semper Fi.

  302. Wooooo i would love to own my first AR! Hahah. I can honestly say i dont have a favorite becauae i am a new subscriber. But if i had to pick it would be your recent strawberry mountain videos. Im into adventure and hiking, fishing, hunting and of coursefire arms! Im an aspiring gunsmith and am looking forward to going to school and getting my ffl someday. But it just goes to show things happen, and rather than piss and moan about something, you try and make the best out it. And thats what being outdoors is all about. The same holds true in all aspects of life. But Your video of pros and cons of contracting is what led me to your channel. Then i found out your in North Idaho and i live in hayden/coeur d alene area. So right there it was a win!

    I look forward to many videos. congrats to you, i hope you continue to put out a mixture of great and inspiring, informative content.

    Thank you for an awesome giveaway and good luck to everyone!
    -Dk Touchit

  303. Hi Ivan, congrats and the recent growth. It’s a toss up between the firearms safety for kids and the hot dog hike, but I’m going with hot dog hike.

  304. If I had to pick a single video hat resonates with me, it was actually the “Pine Needle Tea” video. Before Joining the Navy I worked at a coffee shop for a couple years so the video awakened a really strong sense of nostalgia for being outdoors, brewing my own tea and coffee on cold winter mornings, and hanging out. Your channel as a whole is a really a really nice mix of guns, assorted outdoors stuff, family content, and vlogging and I can’t wait to see how you do going forward!

  305. Honestly, I think my favorite video is the one you did on the Therm-A-Rest Z-Lite sleeping pad, because it was a good, in depth review of something I’d never even thought about, and really changed the way I looked at different gear that could be multi-use.

  306. I never comment, but I recently found and watched your contractor video and loved it. Like your matter of fact style and laid back approach. Will watch all your previous videos and peruse your site soonest. Thanks

  307. First video was the Ghost inc trigger kit video and I enjoyed your general demeanor and professionalism tempered with a more than a hint of sarcasm. I like that so I subscribed.

  308. My favorite video, more like series is the stuff you did with Q a few months back

  309. I liked the Printable USGS map video. It gave me a good way to get free maps to teach my kids land nav when we go on adventures. If you could please do a follow up video teaching how to land nav I think everyone would love some insight on how to not get lost and find cool spots.

  310. My favorite vids are the ones on how to paint your firearms! I like the patterns you show and make it look so easy.

  311. For sure my favorite video (and also the one that introduced me to you) would be your pros and cons of security contracting, it felt so genuine and informative. I knew there would more quality content coming, keep it up man 👍

  312. My favorite video of yours is “The Battle Belt”. It was the first video of yours i’ve ever seen and i immediately subscribed because it was obvious you aren’t the typical guntuber who just spews misconceptions. Really cool to see how your channel has grown since then. It’s not cool to see how it’s been so long and you’re just now starting to grow. Actual informative videos that are very professionally produced with real knowledge and experience.. only 25k subscribers… come on.

  313. I really enjoy your strawberry mountain type videos and the like, I am patiently waiting for your follow up on the Henry All-Weather too! Keep up the good work 50k will be here in no time.

  314. My favorite video(s) are the Q Honey Badger and Fix builds. Been listening to the Q podcasts and the build was very insightful. I appreciate the humor, especially in the rifle painting series.

  315. What’s up! My favorite video was rifle to pistol transition training. I walked away super confident I could use some of your lessons to improve my technique! Thanks for everything you do!

  316. Favorite video has to be the pros and cons of contracting. While it did leave a need to ask more questions to most, I know that world and get asked about it all the time and I think you simplified it quite well. Those were the primaries as to why I wanted but couldn’t do that even when my older brother decided to do so.

    You hit on family and having a life and I couldn’t bring myself to go through and if that point alone wasnt enough of a con, I dont know what is. Not to mention, I’m sure you will in the aforementioned follow up video, that some agencies are strict and certain department of state type guys you work under are a pain and sometimes may make it not worth it, mentally.

    Which brings me to my next point of just join the military. Because then you wont have to tip-toe. You’ll have a clear mission and wont be bogged down with as much politics.

    Excellent video.

    Thank you.

  317. My favorite video has to be the first one that I can across which got me to subscribe which is how to paint your gun. Still go back to that one when I start thing about painting one of my guns.

  318. Congratulations on 25k. I believe my favorite video is the cost of free gear. I appreciate the honest and straightforward approach

  319. First video I saw of yours really intrigued me, it was pros and cons of contracting. A simple and insightful video. Then your videos exposed me to the tactical games and since watching your videos on it I’ve been pretty inspired to work towards the goal of competing some day. Cheers!

  320. Started with seeing your Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chest Rig video (I was looking for something to use for ROTC) and the channel was something I fell in love with. The calmness in your voice, scenery in your videos and diversity of topics is great all in one place. Favorite video(s) so far is probably the Tactical Game series. Great seeing you and others perform in a “tactical” scenario. Great content as always man.

  321. My favorite video is between the series on q specially the honey badger.i want it bad! Also the video of you going to the long range class. Thanks for the videos. Keep it up!

  322. Awesome giveaway! The video that got me watching i believe was the one when you camo painted your rifle with spray paint, i subscribed then, but all videos you make are very good content

  323. 25k subs congrats man! Really into the Float Tapes, but some of my favorites are your Surefire 556 rundown and the how to start an IV video.

  324. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome setup! My favorite videos are the tactical games series. You are making great content! Thanks

  325. The spiritussystems MK4 chest rig was the video that hooked me. That white rig while you reviewed it in the snow covered mountains was pretty cool.

    Great stuff!

  326. I really have been enjoying the float tape series. It’s always cool to look back onto older video and pictures of yourself and see how much you and other people have changed since then. It’s always interesting how much priorities and just general attitudes about things have changed.

    Congratulations on 25k subscribers, and I hope to be leaving a similar comment when you hit the 1 million milestone!

  327. Fellow 1/1, Wpns Co. vet myself. Moto tattoo video was my favorite enjoyed hearing about your time in Horno and 1/1. I left 1/1 in 2017, the battalion is in good hands. Appricate all the reviews and knowledge you pass on to the veiwers.

  328. Favorite video is funnily enough the video showing off the gel ear caps by valholl, my howard leights were uncomfortable after wearing for 4 hours or so, these gel caps are easily worth $30 upgrade

  329. Love your videos man keep up the great work. I love your gear review and back country videos the most with the strawberry mountain video being one if my tops.

  330. Congratulations on hitting 25,000! I’ve really been enjoying a lot of your videos recently, but the Strawberry Mountain series has been one of my favorites. I enjoy seeing a positive outlook despite adversity and enjoying nature even when it’s not easy. Keep rocking, bro!

  331. I love the float trip videos! The KTG mount video saved me some scratch too. The baofeng radio video where you went full off Taliban out in the mountains was neat too!

    Been subbed since around the time. TGC news mentioned you. Keep up the good work and Charlie Mike.

  332. My favorite video so far, would be your rundown of the 2019 shot show! I really enjoyed your input on the Xvl2. I personally see a lot of people wanting to run it on a carbine. Thanks for the content and the giveaway man!


  333. Hey congratulations! I’m glad to see you grow and I love and appreciate your videos. My favorite video(s) are probably the Baja 1000, but what Ive always loved about your channel is your authenticity, it’s honestly the best I’ve seen and it’s what makes you my favorite. I love your clothing and other gear reviews the most because I can totally trust you and you dive deep leaving no space for question and leaving everyone satisfied. Love you, congratulations and good luck for the future.

  334. I really like the way you review different items. I can’t pick one video so I will just say I like all of the in depth reviews keep up the good work and congratulations 👌🇺🇸

  335. Congratulations on 25k! My favorite videos are the the tactical games and the Q Honey Badger. Thank you so much for the great content. Keep it coming!

  336. Congrats, I like the silencer videos, I guess my favorite is the Q lefty video since its the only video there is on it?

  337. I found you from researching the Honey Badger from Q. I am missing some money because of you. I never left. Keep it up!

  338. Really enjoyed your video on how to make Pine needle tea. Definitely fun and useful knowledge to have for those back country trips in the pines.

  339. Love all your vids. Some of my favorites were the suicide vids. Thought it was cool you were so candid about a very real threat to alot of good people. Also liked the pl mini vid. Bought one and love it. Am currently looking to buy a Vortex Razor 1-6 for a duty rifle. Appreciate that you listed the negatives of the optic and not just all to good things.

    Keep up the great work!!

  340. I really enjoy the footage of you doing actual training, competing. It shows me how I need to spend more time training under pressure. It also gives me ideas of what to include in my training to make me better.

  341. Your videos are what sold me to finally pull the trigger on a Honey Badger! And the 8.6 cred video has me ready to get a Fix!

  342. So I don’t have a favorite episode so much as a series. Your deep dive into Q was pretty neat. I particularly like the series on the Q Fix since you and the guys at Q did an excellent job of describing the features of the rifle. Those episodes turned me into a consistent viewer of your content. I did find your recent post on contracting interesting since a few of my friends that left active duty have gone that route. Thanks for the great content!

  343. The review on the Promethethus DA Hoodie was great because you used the item in the outdoors. The information helped me in deciding whether to purchase the item. I love the hoodie, and it has become one of my favorite pieces in my kit. Thx!

  344. Loved the series on the Tactical Games. I’d love to participate in one in the near future, but need to get my fitness level up (working on it). Live Free or Die.

  345. Current 11b right now. Been following you for sometime now, and all of your videos are informative and awesome. My favorite so far is a recent one. Your reviews on cbd. cbd because of you, has changed my life. no longer am I downing a bottle of NyQuil or zzzquil so I can get quality sleep. no longer am I popping Tylenol/advil all day for muscle aches and constant soreness. you introduced me to cbd and I am forever grateful for my healthy sleep I am now getting ,and expedited muscle recovery. keep on keeping on and again thank you

  346. I can’t really single out one vid that’s my favorite but I’ll tell you I really enjoy the intro/outro tunes, takes me back to my early years growing up in the Salt Lake punk scene. That’s a great giveaway, congrats on 25k subs man.

  347. Congrats, one of the best videos for me was “Pros and Cons of Security Contracting”, unfortunatly I cant receive this since I’m in Europe so congrats to the winner!

  348. My favorite video to date is “A Look Inside Violent Little Machine Shop”. I really enjoy how much you support small business like them and Edgar Sherman Design as well as other companies who make quality products. This has given me the chance to explore gear and items I may not have ever been exposed to before and your explanations are always informative and appreciated! Keep up the great work!

  349. First off thanks for your genuine content. It’s cool to see non biased videos. In regards to my favorite video, It would have to be the one you did over runenations course. Haven’t taken one but you definitely put me on to him. I follow him on IG now and he shares a martial artist/always learning mentality I have. As cliche as It sounds, some of his posts has helped me clear sight of goals and if It wasn’t for that video, I would not have come across him

    Thanks 🙏

  350. I really liked the series on suicide and the explanation of your tattoos. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  351. Favorite vid of you was actually the SIG p320 mhs you did for TFBTV. Bought it thanks to you and haven’t looked back since.

    Thanks again!

  352. Ivan! Congratulations on 25k! I really enjoyed your videos on the tactical games and you’ve inspired me to sign up for an upcoming event!
    Semper Fidelis Devil.

  353. I came for the Honey Badger videos. But my favorite is the one where you take your boys hiking with you up Panamint. You’re little guys are characters and it is neat that you take them on adventures. It’s cool seeing them interact with you and interrupt you when you are explaining what is going on in some of your videos.

  354. I really enjoy your interview and insight videos with Q. That was what caught my attention as well as the way your present topics, very calming!

  355. Amazing job man. I enjoy your competition videos when you break down the sweet gear you use.

  356. Congratulations on 25K. My favorite videos are the ones where you describe real world situations and drills for it. Like the “goodguy/badguy” drill shooting under the truck.

  357. My favorite video so far, would have to be The Cost of Free Gear video. I love when content creators let their viewers take a look behinds the scenes. I don’t think there is enough openness about how the systems works and that video helped clear some of the murky waters.

  358. Ivan,
    A few videos come to mind.
    You did a review of Freedom Munitions HUSH ammo. I had waited 364 days to get MysticX out of NFA jail. I ran multiple supersonic rounds through it on different platforms. I decided to jump feet-first into HUSH subs for pistol use. To my disappointment, I had cycling issues with it mounted to my P320. About that time you published your HUSH vid. You were running a Mystic and had very similar issues.
    In this 25k vid, you mention hitting 100 subs, 80 of whom you didn’t even know. I felt somewhat similar when I commented on that Mystic/HUSH video. You responded quickly and in a way that made it clear that you read and cared about my comment. That was cool.
    Another couple vids that come to mind are your Trooper/storage vid and your divorce video. Weird, I know, but something about the divorce video hit home. The suit you wore twice. I’m happily married (as far as I know), so maybe it was just that you put all that out there to people you don’t know…
    The latest that really hit home was “The cost of free gear” video. Kind of put it into perspective for us jealous types.
    I’m just a dude. A guy who loves his country, loves his freedom, and his family. I also enjoy being outdoors and shooting. I’m not a service member or a veteran, just a greasy mechanic. Your experience and observations are related in a straight forward manner that’s not “look at me I’m an operator”, but also not “civilian know it all”. I don’t feel out of place consuming the content you provide. I appreciate that.
    When I first came across your channel, your succinct and laid-back manner was instantly appreciated as well as the filming locations and framing.
    Your music choices are spot on. When I don’t recognize a song or artist, I look forward to the end credits for a little music education.
    What happened with your TFB content? Is that still a thing?
    If I may offer one criticism/suggestion, I had trouble with your video intro “Hey everyone, it’s Ivan” the first few times I heard it. Maybe it’s a difference in our geographical location and speech patterns, but that seemed to run together at first. I hear it clearly now that I’m familiar.
    Lastly, from my perspective, you are doing well. Constantly improving as you mention above.
    P.S. I’m in the free state of Missouri, should my name be drawn.

  359. I really like the tactical games uploads. So keep up the good work.I like your reviews they are no bullshit and to the point.

  360. I haven’t had the chance to watch many of your videos, but so far my favorite is the recent radical firearms 7.62×39 video. The reason for that is because im in the process of building my own 7.62×39 pistol and I’ve been watching a lot of videos that way I can make mine as efficient as possible. Thank you for this opportunity.

  361. I’ve been watching since pretty damn close to the beginning and I can’t really narrow it down to one video. But one thing I did see from the beginning was that you had something to offer from experience and not just the other stuff repeated on the internet and so I subscribed pretty quickly. Thanks for all the info as well as entertainment 👍. Your channel is definitely unique. Congrats on the 25K man!

  362. My favorite videos and first videos are the Nightfighter 101 class and setup. There are very few videos on training. It was nice to see some footage of what it’s like and how your setup worked, so I can be more prepared for a class.


  363. Congrats on 25K!
    The videos that suckered me in were the firestarter test series. I enjoy the majority of your work. Then I ran across your video about your divorce. All I can say is Damn Straight! You’ve seem to got a good head on your shoulders. Keep up the great content and keep trying to do the best you can for your kids.

  364. I’ve been watching your videos for some time now and I as well as others can really pick just one video to call my favorite, I can however say that one video off hand that really helped me decide to go ahead with it was the stipple pistols and other things I was really afraid to screw it up and then your video made me do and it came out awesome. The biggest thing I like about your videos is the knowledge of what your talking about and the fact that your prior military I to am a vet and like supporting other vets like yourself. Congrats on the 25k keep putting out awesome vids man you’ll have 100k before you know it.

  365. I’m one of the newbies that found you through your contracting video. Subscribed immediately and I’m currently going through the back catalog!!! Thanks for the great content!

  366. Congratulations on this milestone, and can’t wait to see the next one, the video series that really got to me was on suicide and ptsd.

  367. I liked your how to build a fire series. After that would be your how to videos like the sling one. Keep up the content thoroughly enjoy them.

  368. I think I found your channel when I was looking up reviews for the Crye JPC plate carrier. I really appreciate that one and I also enjoyed your video on contracting. It is always interesting to hear those kinds of stories since they are talked about often, but I rarely see anyone’s side of the story who actually does/did it. Keep up the good work, thanks man!

  369. First of all, congrats on reaching an impressive milestone. I really liked your Grey Man video you made back in Jan (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eHffSN66au4). Your intro to the topic was humorous and the way you poked fun at the community was hilarious! Overall I agreed on your thoughts and your outlook on the “Grey Man” topic. Keep up the good content and thanks for supporting your supporters with informative videos/topics and doing cool giveaways like this one.


  370. I really enjoyed the Honey Badger and Fix deep dive into how they’re built and the story behind them. Overall, I look forward to the very next one. I appreciate the effort you put into the vids and like the straight to the point views on the different products you review. Great stuff. Next time you’re in NH let’s go shooting!

  371. My favourite so far is also the first one I’ve seen that popped up in my suggested options, pros and cons of contracting. An I can’t wait for the follow up that you mentioned.

  372. Love your radian model 1 review and appreciate all your videos thanks and keep it up

  373. Initially, I found your Fix deep dive videos. These videos were really helpful. However, the “Catharsis, Divorce and the Range” episode really relevant to a lot of us. Thanks for sharing.

  374. The first video i found was of course the Pros and Cons of Security Contracting. I’m 21 now and that’s pushing the latter years of being able to join the military, in my opinion. I’m finding the passion in me for fitness again and want to grow my leadership skills, an hoping to join soon! P.S. I told my dad I wanted a Glock for my 21st b-day present, he said, “Here’s a Ruger, it’s 9mm!” I might as well be a dead man already.

  375. Gotta say my favorite videos are any of the ones with you taking on the tactical games 👌🏼

    Keep up the fantastic work, Ivan!


  376. My favorite videos are the ones that deal with Q products since it seems impossible to find any content on them and is how I found out about youbin the first place!!!! Keep producing great content!!!

  377. Ivan, congrats. I fell in love with your channel when I ran across your unique set of videos on fire starting. Diving into a lake and then trying to light a fire brought out how import it is to learn real life skills. I couldn’t lap them up fast enough. I especially liked your video when you took your children for a field trip in the snow which won me over (again) as you obviously are a great dad and know that the children are our future. I commend you.

  378. I can honestly say I like every video so far that I have seen including this one I’m a new subscriber I’ve been interested in bpsd or private security detail since 2010 I’m just now getting to the point where I’m able to really do something about it like I want to this will be a new rewarding career for me.

    I let two marriages hold me back because thinking about only them and not myself now I have the opportunity at the age of 41 to do what I enjoy so please keep it coming I need all the information I can get I’m actually going to the school ESI hopefully that we get me started thank you again for the inspiration in the education of know how again you have a wonderful and blessed evening or day I am most grateful and every way I will be even more grateful to be one of the winter of this beautiful weapon but only God can tell thank you again.

  379. My favorite video was the pros and cons of contracting. Definitely gave some insight and things to think about as a husband and father when it comes to whether I want to get into contracting or not.

    Congrats on 25K, you’ve definitely got knowledge to share and people are starting to respond to it. I believe you’re channel will continue to grow.

  380. One of my favorite channels on youtube. Such diverse videos, so if you can’t find something you like, you’re not looking hard enough. My favorite videos are the upcountry “adventure” videos with the breathtaking scenery as backdrops.

    It’s refreshing to watch gear reviews with a down to earth dude who’s not being a douchenozzle.

    Thanks for the vids, Ivan!

    Semper Fi, bro!

  381. Found your channel a few weeks ago and have been trying to catch up ever since. Love your content. I like the “friends, not friends” kinds of videos, but also the “Strawberry Mountain” series. Talking about CBD oil has got me very interested and it’s all over Oregon, where I am. Hoping it may help with some ailments. Keep it up man!

  382. I really appreciate the videos on gear review. I feel like they are more targeted to things I actually consider buying compared to other channels who do reviews. Great content so far and I look forward to seeing a lot more!

  383. I really enjoyed your spiritus chest rig video and also the one where you used the magnets to hold your binos. Very neat and out of the box thinking

  384. I’m a big fan of both the pine needle tea video as well as the September 11th video just to see what was going on in the minds of people in your situation at that time.

  385. Grate job getting to 25K 👍🇺🇸 And I do live in a free state AZ so I would say my favorite video is a tie with the sig tread video where you won it on the corse and the honey Badger deep dive ones they where cool. Keep up the cool videos

  386. Congratulations on the achievement! My favorite video that you’ve produced so far was on the pros and cons of security contract work. Appreciate the hard work you’re pouring into your content and here’s to 25k more subscribers!

  387. I think the cool videos are the tactical games & strawberry Mountain 2.0.!

  388. This is a hard decision like a lot of different content on your channel. Like the reviews, the tactical games and anything to do with outdoors. But I think my two favorite series were the “Q Deep Dives” of the Honey Badger and Fix rifle probably cause I want both really bad. Keep the good stuff coming.

  389. I like your Q videos. Whenever I look for a product review or info, your one of the people I trust to give me the low down.

  390. This is a hard decision because I like a lot of different content on your channel. Like the reviews, the tactical games and anything to do with outdoors. But I think my two favorite series were the “Q Deep Dives” of the Honey Badger and Fix rifle probably cause I want both really bad. Keep the good stuff coming.

  391. Really glad to see your channel getting the attention it deserves. You’re very good at giving succinct, quality information — not everyone can do that.

    My favorite video so far was when you reflected on 9/11. Hearing you discuss that brought back so many memories; just as you stated. I always enjoyed your videos and information, but after that, I really respected you as a person. There are so many gun guys on YouTube (most of which I can’t stand). Your ability to connect with the viewer is a great skill. Looking forward to the next 25,000… I’ll be here.

  392. I dug your vid series on the tactical games. Look, I’m from Wisconsin and you are a badger. This deal only makes sense. I trust you’ll do the right thing.

  393. Thanks for all the videos, brother! Great to see the progression and success of your channel. Would love to see more hiking/camping videos this summer!

  394. Favorite video has got to be “my 2018 tactical games loadout”. Its the first video I saw. A squad mate told me about the tactical games in December of last year and sent me a link to a random video. Told him looks like fun we should do one in 2019. He told me Kit Badger has some videos on them too. Said who’s that and he told me gear review guy in Idaho. Looked you up and hooked ever since.

  395. I really love watching your videos on suppressors, currently waiting on a tax stamp for my first suppressor.

  396. My favorite is the 2018 Tactical Games load out video. I had recently started competing in a local 2 gun match around the same time so it was great to see you go over your setup while I was trying to figure out my own.

  397. Hello, I first learned of your channel on YouTube during your review of the Q Fix 8.6 Creedmoor short barreled bolt action. What a badass rifle! So I then watched everything else you had related to Q great videos and very cool stuff. I liked you style and content enough that I subscribed then which was about 8-9 months ago. Most not all of my subs on YouTube are Gun/2A related and I do enjoy picking out newer channels and watching them grow. Maybe a future request why I’m at it pair that Honey Badger with some Trom Ammo (https://trom.tech) $$ and see how far you can stretch it out….

  398. I subscribed to you after the 8.6 creedmore video. You were the only one with any info on that round so I knew you were legit. Thanks for the great content

  399. Your video on your divorce is what got my attention on you. It made you completely different than other channels. Showed how passionate you are about this. Thanks.

  400. My favorite video(s) has been the “Honey Badger Deep Dives”. I had just found out about the rifle and I was doing more research on it via YouTube and came across your videos. I liked the rifle so much, I wanted to find out more about the company. This lead me to the Q & Ass podcast with the founder Kevin Brittingham. I’ve now listened to almost all of the episodes and I’m not a big Q fan. Saving for my Honey Badger and The Fix rifles! Thanks 🙂

    Also, I’m an FFL in Texas so transferring that pistol to me will be easy peasy 😉

  401. My favorite video would have to be the tactical games loadout. I’m a sucker for gear reviews / loadout stuff. You’re doing a great job, congrats on the 25K!!

  402. I have enjoyed lots of your videos but probably my favorite was when you assembled the gun at Q. Also I liked your videos on suicide prevention. Keep up the good work.

  403. First video that pulled me in was the spray can camo for an AR. Got me deep into researching different camo effectiveness in various environments. I’ve been watching ever since.

    Keep up the excellent content, and I’ll see you in the next video

  404. Favorite is the CZ 527 7.62×39 series of videos. Those videos actually sealed the deal for me..I bought it soon after.

  405. You know me, I love your scenic backdrops and Honey Badger anything content. I love PDW weapons in general and I’ve loved your seeing your content in using them. Keep it up.

  406. Hi Ivan,

    I really enjoyed your video about making a light weight sling for kids. I’m a soldier who deploys every six months for six months, so finding any joint activity for myself and my kids has been really helpful in being present and available as a father. With that I also enjoyed your videos about spray painting and customizing firearms. Nothing better than to have customized a little Cricket with my daughter in different shades of pink.

    Keep up the good work!

  407. My favorite videos are the fix build series. Got me to buy a fix and fly up there to build it

  408. Congrats on the 25k and here’s to many more!
    Oddly enough my favorite video(s) is the CZ bolt gun series. Odd because it’s not a gun I thought I’d ever be interested in but now I’m thinking about it.

  409. My favorite video was the one where you talked about your divorce, moving on, and owning one suit. Gotta say that actually helped me a bit. I’m going through some similar stuff. Thank you!

  410. This is a very hard decision. I think all of your videos are informative, interesting and basically pretty damn Rad!! Anyways I really dug your Video on Core Belts. Made me really want one. Your Q videos are pretty badass too. Your basically one of the only guys that I really value your opinion. You and Garand Thumb both are pretty damn cool. Anyways winning this would definitely be cool as Hell. Keep it coming Bro!

  411. I work in the mental health field and appreciate the suicide video. Also your take on earning the right to test gear and kit. Thank you for all your time.

  412. About two or three years ago you made a video on building a rifle from a stripped lower. I vaguely remember it bit it motivated me while I was still in college to get some stuff together to build a rifle. I wasnt until about a year later I ended up building one when i finally got enough money saved up. Since then, I’ve built several more rifles for friends who also wanted to get into shooting and fixing up guns.

  413. My favorite is taking the kids hiking and second has to be watching the competition videos. Oh and the story about crashing your SUV. Keep up the good work!

  414. I am in the free state of Arizona!!! I really enjoy the class reviews sheepdog and ruin nations learned a lot and made me want to get more training!!! Thanks for the opportunity and for your videos!!

  415. The first video of yours I truly enjoyed was your review on the Surefire Pro Comp. I was interested in one and you had the only review I can find. I’ve probably seen your “how to paint a rifle” video at least 50 times but I’m to scared to commit to doing it. You’ve responded to my comments are more than one occasion and that means allot that you interact with your viewers. Keep up the great work man! I’ll have that Bell icon turned on for your channel till the day YouTube goes down!

  416. That’s an awesome build. I appreciate your review and love your radical firearms 7.62×39 pistol: 1st look video.

  417. I really like your tactical games vids. But honestly I haven’t found any I don’t like. Favs though are the games and battle belt. Thanks for the info

  418. The Franklin Lakes series. It gave me insight into what to expect when I have kids and start taking them into the backcountry. BTW, ex-Californian myself from the SLO area.

  419. Congratulations. Big fan of any gear reviews. The battle belt review was what got my subscription. Keep up the good work

  420. It’s a toss up for me. The first video of yours that I saw was your review of the surefire Procomo. You seems calm and collected, and I liked your review style. Started watching your reviews of things I had no interest in just because I liked how the information was presented. If I had to pick one favorite, it would be the car drills you did as a contractor, shooting at feet under the car, then to mass once the target falls. Very real life applicable to me, as I’m fresh out of the Army and entering the law enforcement field. Thanks for reading, and offering a giveaway.

  421. Congratulations on reaching 25k ! I would have to say my favorite video so far has been the tactical games and the strawberry Mt. Video trilogy.

  422. The first video I saw was your series on the Q pistol and rifle. Not sure which video in the series I saw first, but I’ve been subscribed since. Thanks

  423. Ivan,
    I discovered Kitbadger back in late 2016 soon after you posted your review of the MSR Alpine Stowaway Pot. I enjoyed the backdrop setting of that review. Most other channels only show the inside of a garage when making their videos. By taking your reviews out into the world and using the items yourself, one can appreciate your opinion.
    For instance, I would have no problem believing you about how to start a fire while being soaked to the bone and freezing after seeing you actually do this by jumping in frozen rivers and lakes for authenticity sake.
    I really enjoy watching all of your outdoor gear reviews, hiking and camping adventures.
    Tuning an AR15 adjustable gas block was very interesting to watch. Seeing the results of your adjustments in real time was a great tutorial.
    The efforts that you apply towards creating your channel really come through in your videos.
    Congratulations on 25k subscribers.
    I really think this is just the beginning for Kitbadger and you. Keep up the good work!

  424. Congrats on 25k My favorite video was the Deep Dive of the Honey Badger by Q

  425. Awesome video. Congratulations on 25K. My favorite is the how to paint your rifle video. Thanks for making cool videos outdoors and not a bunch of table top reviews in your kitchen. Keep up the bad ass work brother!!

  426. my favorite video was about the pro and cons of private contracting. it gave me knowledge on a possible career i was looking at. thank you.

  427. Q’s 7.62 Silencer Rundown video was one of the first videos I watched wyour channel.

  428. Honestly, my favorite was your newer vid when you made you son a sling for his rifle. I have two kids I’d like to teach how to handle a firearm soon. This vid made me realize that how they will be literally brand new to the hobby and I should always look for ways to make it easy for them to learn, not just pigeon hole them into using my gear… or something like that. I’ve been watching, and enjoying, for over a year now, but that sling vid really got me.

    Keep up the good work.

  429. I’ve gotta be honest, my favorite video so far is probably the review you did on the KTAK reactive target. Not only was that video well done but it got me watching your channel regularly. Thank you again for the awesome content!

  430. Like you Mentioned in your video, I did stumble upon the pros and cons of contracting video about 2 weeks ago, and a friend in a slack was posting a couple videos of yours here and there over the past year, To be honest I like your channel because how most of your videos have a good quality while being simple in production. You’re also a good speaker and it resonates with me like a friend just telling me about things. The reviews are good, and the Slice of Life videos like the outdoor videos and tactical games videos are interesting to watch too. I like how your videos are short and to the point, or long with plenty of information that I’d be actually interested about

  431. Double Gripper and the contractor videos are probably my favorite. As an ex-military and current LEO I’ve constantly been interested in going back over and this answered alot of questions. The double gripper is just a cool little toy that can definitely help out with range shenanigans.

  432. Favorite video todate is your tactical games videos.its harder to choose a favorite video since a lot of you content as got me thinking and excited to get out and doing things again

  433. Congrats on 25K!!! 👏👏👏 My fave vid is your HK P7M8. Like HK a lot & nice learning about their earlier work. Keep up the great vids. Thx.

  434. Hello Kit Badger, it was your videos on the Savage 110 Tactical Desert that brought me to your site. It is your low key and honest reviews that made me a subscriber. As soon as Auburn covered against Virginia, I ordered my 110 in 6.5 Creedmoor. Using one vice to pay for another.

    Oh yeah, your musical choices don’t suck either, I’m an old man so how about some Bad Brains or Adolescents?

  435. Definitely your Tactical games video. Your contractor one was a favorite as well. I can’t wait to see you continue to produce great content.

  436. Cautionary Tale
    “What’s he gonna do? Send aggressive SnapChats?”
    As a backcountry guy I think more people need to see content like that before going to the hippy hiker store and suiting up. Especially early spring and winter in the high country.

  437. Favorite video was the Arc’teryx atom video – that is what had me find you in the first place. Although I haven’t always had a dire interest in every video, I have found the way to you review and describe information really resonates with me. Congrats on all the new subscribers.

  438. Awesome giveaway.

    My favorite video so far was “I only train with ninja’s.” I’ve long been telling people to get training from good instructors. There are a lot of Commando Joe’s teaching people based off of their resume and not their actual ability to teach.

  439. The first video that comes to mind, or videos rather, are the Monarch Lake videos. As they say, there’s nothing like the great outdoors!

  440. Badg’r of kit i bid thee a tale of how i hath found mine own fav’rite video and becameth a po’r. I hadst just arriv’d home aft’r a longeth shift at which hour i did see a new video appeareth in mine own feedeth. T wast the 25k thanketh thee and giveth hence video. Aft’r watching the video t tooketh only a me moments to narrow t down. I decideth upon (spiritus systems micro square chest rig. ) this video wast the first timeth i exp’rienc’d the badg’r. Thee sir has’t a vast knowledge of outdo’r and tactical equipment. I did like how thee apply thy timeth as a contracteth’r to this product. The chest rig is unbelievable, because t’s so v’rsatile and well pric’d. So well prices i’ve did acquire enow funds f’r the rig and some m’re

    P.S. Thank you for all you hard and willingness to share your experiences. Also I hope this was slightly funny, but if too much ( english to Shakespeare.)

  441. I really enjoyed your video on The Grey Man, velcro and morale patches. Enjoyed seeing your opinion as well as everyone elses in the comments.

  442. Always enjoy your videos! One of my favorite videos and very helpful was the “10 yard zero”.

  443. Like your shot show range video, like to be informed about new toys, keep up grinding

  444. My favorite Video has to be the first one that I was introduced to you:
    The 8.6 Creedmoor versus 338 Federal
    That video was a very interesting window into the kind of person and reviewer that you are. I am still very interested in that BUILD and I am currently looking into the components to build that Pistol! I thought that your build was 100% on the money with the way you made it a Pistol instead of a SBR specially with the Travel restrictions that can be associated with an SBR. The only thing that I would change is getting the New SB-Tactical SBA4 over the SBA3 but since the A3 is the model available when you builded that was the correct choice.
    The other thing that I found cool about your channel was that you answered all the questions I posted on the video about the 8.6 Creedmoor very quickly which is something most channels do not do but should specially when its a content based question. Just as a reminder my YouTube screen name is af22raptor23503 just a reminder if you want to go to the 8.6 Video and check. 🙂

  445. I like all of the content you provide. One of my favorite video series,is the tactical games. Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed on all of the great things you get to evaluate and participate in. Keep up the great work.

  446. Favorite video was the Tactical Games. I think as Americans most of us are unhealthy, and as gun owners you see too much emphasis on being prepared on the equipment side not enough in physical fitness. Hopefully those vids brought some clarity to people in the community.

  447. Favorite videos… I don’t really have a preference. I like you, mainly. The way you use logic and actually understand nuance, it’s not something I see day to day, and I really appreciate you.
    Thanks for all the hard work.

  448. The first video I watched was the video about the JPC which is where I learned about your contracting career. I wish I would have watched your contracting video before I started, but it was still good to watch!

  449. I definitely like the Vortex Razor HD Gen 2 video. Very honest review. I also like the Contractibg video. Very honest SNF open discussion about the life.

  450. My favorite video was the discussion on morale patches and the decisions to wear/not wear. Just got a good laugh out of the dialogue and found it very entertaining.
    Subsequently, I’ve been back to watch many of your other videos and enjoyed meeting you at the Tactical Games in TX!

  451. The first video I every watched of yours was a video about painting a rifle. But I really enjoyed your Pros and Cons of Private Contracting video. It was really great to hear your opinion because I had been considering contracting when I get out of the military. But lately I have been loving your tactical games vids. I wanna start doing them, maybe I’ll meet you at one someday.

  452. My favorite video was the first one I found, the famous, Pros and Cons of Contracting. Was very informative and I enjoyed seeing the beautiful snowy outdoors as a back drop.

  453. Love the series where Q talks about the super deep details of designing and manufacturing the Honey Badger. Congrats on 25k brother

  454. I really dug the 10 yard zero vids you posted; I know it’s kind of a boring thing compared to the rest of your vids, but I don’t have much room for a good 25m or more zero, and I hate regulated ranges.

  455. My favorite video is the video on CBD oil. I have been curious of it’s abilities and your review was helpful. Looking forward to the follow up. I also like your videos on the Tactical Games. I’m in training now for next year. You and Ben at Wisemen Company are inspirations.

  456. Congrats on the milestone! Believe it or not the first video that turned me onto your channel was the rattle can camouflage job on your rifle. Been with your channel ever since.

  457. I can’t even remember the first videos that I watched. Gear reviews from a while back. As of late, I did really enjoy the pine needle tea. Really reminded me of being out hunting in the middle of the snow out in the canyons.

  458. The way I found you was searching for Q related videos and finding your Honey Badger deep dive. I have to say my favorite videos are the deep dives. Or maybe the float tapes, or the one on suicide. Anyhow, congrats on the new subscribers! You and your channel are rad!

  459. This channel deserves so much more than 25K subs. The video quality is amazing and the videos are all to the point well made. The first video I watched was your video on adjusting a gas block for optimal performance. My favorite video is the pros and cons of contracting. Keep up the good work as your channel is one of the best on the net!

  460. Congratulations on 25k. My favorite videos are the deep dive you did on the Q Honey Badger.

  461. Hi Ivan, live the channel. Production quality is awesome and I really like the solo filming in the woods. The scenes are awesome. My favorite videos so far have been the liberty Mystic X and attachments. I’m actually in NFA purgatory right now because of your videos lol. All I need is a nice 12.5 pistol to throw it on 😉.
    Seriously though, please keep doing what you’re doing. I like the products you review. They are different enough to be entertaining and informative and not the same ole “Glock 19” review that everyone’s done. Cheers brother 🍻

  462. The Strawberry Mountain mishap is my favorite because of your honesty about what happened without caring about what others think. All of the “fix deep dive” vids are tied with it.

  463. I discovered you by the TFB collaboration, but my favorite video is you at the Q factory.

  464. Congratulations on25k. My favorite video is “Pros and Cons of security contracting”.Keep up the great videos.

  465. Honestly I really appreciate your walk through of the Tactical Games. It’s really inspired me to train harder and to train with kit on. I hope to make a trip down to one of the events next year. Thanks without your videos I would’ve never know about them.

  466. So many to choose from, but I loved the Baja 1000 series. Reminded me of a former Marine buddy who still mechanics in that race and a little of that need I felt to continue to seek adventure when I got out of the Corps (and frankly, that I continue to feel). Appreciate your calm, humble bad-assery and that you credit the musicians in your vids!

  467. I really enjoyed the video about being a greyman, and not using patches, or Velcro. It gave me peace of mind. I can wear my favorite tactical drug rug in public, without a second thought.

  468. Congrats on the 25k ! I like all the informative videos . It’s always nice to be able to get info from someone that knows from experience.

    Anyone that wins this pay it forward make a donation to a charity for our wonderful vets out there .

  469. It is away nice to see different people’s insight on what there views are and a new way to go about the objective. So keep up the work but try not to get burnt out, The burn is real and happens fast and hard to recover.

  470. Good stuff on 25k, my favorite video was prod and cons of security contracting. It had me really questioning if I should go into that work. Blessed to finding your channel and hope it only goes up from here!

  471. Hey man, really enjoy your honesty and the simplicity of the videos. I recently watched your contractor video and it gave me a lot of perspective of the harsh reality when it comes to contracting. Super informative and i can say that I am not thinking about if i should or shouldn’t anymore.. keep up the good stuff!

  472. Some of my favorite videos of yours that I enjoyed were the Tactical Games: Reveille Ranch 2019 3 part series. Even though you had a few malfunctions with your guns you were still good enough to make the top four in your class. I find your videos very informative and enjoyable. Thank you for putting forth the time and effort to provide your subscribers with some great content!

  473. Congrats on the channel. And this video is my favorite because there a freakin rifle give away!! Lol

  474. I really enjoyed your videos about the tactical games and the inside looks into different companies.

  475. My favorite videos from you were the fire starting videos after jumping in the frozen lake. Entertaining, but also very educational.
    I also really appreciate that you personally responded to a couple emails.
    Thanks for everything you do!!

  476. That’s amazing. I like all your videos, but most importantly, you are one of those people who always answers questions in dm or comments. Thank you.

  477. Holy cow, I cant say for certian which video of yours is a favorite, I have been following kit badger sincenearly the beginning, starting with the ar upper and lower builds. I enjoy the variety of gun, and backpacking content as well as the deep dives and float tapes. Keep up the great work Ivan, I look forward to the future content you put out.

  478. Congrats on 25K! I’m a personal fan of the stippling video. While it may seem like an odd choice for a favorite video. It’s a great comprehensive beginner video that shows practical steps for beginning the journey towards stippling your stuff.

  479. Not expecting to win but wanted to say congrats on the 25k. Always enjoy your candid responses. You helped answer some questions I had on the Superlative adjustable gas block on my 300 sbr build.
    Watched most of you videos and enjoyed the pine needle tea video, thought it was kool.
    Keep putting out good material.
    Rob from NC.

  480. I found the zeroing a red dot for a pistol video informative, and the Tac games videos entertaining – thanks.

  481. My favorite video of yours so far was the recent pros and cons for private contracting/military, it both corrected me on how nice I thought contracting was and was so information filled. That video is why I subscribed but I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your older videos since then.

  482. I really like your load out videos. Strawberry hill (failure so 1st time) and the games load out. Also the Fix. Your videos have improved greatly over time.

  483. Got turned on to your channel by TFB and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of your videos. To date I thing my favorite series is the honey badger videos. It’s such a cool, interesting back story, and a very awesome looking little gun, I love when I see yours in videos. Oh and I’ll never forget you turned me on to the Smith RX eyepro after I asked you what they were in one of your videos. Thanks for all you do man! Keep it going!

  484. Congrats, my favorite video was “The Story Behind My Moto Tats”.
    -Semper Fi Brother

  485. I really enjoyed your coverage and participation in the tactical games. Love your content, please keep it up. I also appreciate the fact that you don’t wear James reeves style short shorts. So that’s a huge plus… thank you for the content.

  486. I enjoy the gear reviews before and after your run and guns. I want to know what gear worked well in different situations.

  487. I really enjoy the suppressor reviews/overviews. But honestly most of your videos are legit.

  488. Congrats on 25k.

    Always enjoy your product reviews but I think I get more out of your competition videos… what stages were composed f, what you went through, where you found most/least success and how you might do it differently.

    Gives ideas on training and pushing your viewers how to be better.

    I appreciate you.

  489. I think I found you after the Baofeng review. Honestly enjoy the variety of all your content. My favorite may just be the float tapes.

  490. Loved the float tapes, especially as when these were recorded YouTube was not a thing, it was part of your life recorded for your future memories.

  491. My favorite video was yours on the Arcteryx jacket you owned for such a long time! I loved that discussion. Thanks for the awesome channel and shout out from Utah!

  492. I really enjoyed the thoughtful, honest feed back on contracting. That’s the most helpful information I have found. I needed to hear that because I’m getting out of the Army and have considered contracting. Your other videos are great too. I like the very practical and analytical approach you take!

  493. Enjoyed the tactical games vids. Great to see how you powered through the malfunctions.

    Congrats on the 25K subs.

  494. The first video I saw was The Cost of Free Gear. I always wondered what it took for a lot of Youtube reviewers to get a free swag and if it was really “free.” I like how you are no nonsense and say it like it is. We need more people like you, keep up the good work!!

  495. Congratulations on your milestone, hopefully you get 25k more subscribers and then some! The 8.6 Creedmoor & The Fix by Q video is my favorite video and was the first one I watched from you. The fix was very new and I wanted to know more about it, and then you had the rifle chambered in a new caliber at the time I never heard of. I’ve been a fan since. Your song choices are spot on for me, it’s almost weird sometimes.

  496. My favorite video that you’ve put out is the one on the “pros and cons of security contracting.” I was really thinking about going to school for executive protection and I’ve been doing a lot of research on the lifestyle. Your video helped me make my decision to go forward towards a career in law enforcement. Definitely not trying to be away from home for months and weeks. Thank you.

  497. Congratulations on 25k brother thats some serious shit right there can’t wait for us to hit 100k soon. Favorite video definitely has to be your more resent one about how you almost got pancaked over seas hahaha much love keep it goin THAts WHAT IM TALKIN BOUT BABY

  498. My favorite was the behind The Honey Badger by Q : Deep Dive Part 1 & 2. People may simply look at the price and determine that the product is too expensive for what it is. Then you get to see all the little custom tweaks and decisions that add up to a much superior end user experience.

  499. I ain’t gone be like a fake sub but fr….. I just somehow saw this vid pop up on my rec and I just gotta join in and try to win some free stuff yall know?

    Best video is the one where you do giveaways hands down.

  500. Favorite video(s)….

    Definitely the Q videos about what is now the 8.6 Creedmoor. As a reloader and an amateur ballistician, I thoroughly enjoy the 8.6 concept of the 5.56/300blk dynamic and the super/sub capability but bigger. I really do enjoy all videos’ punk intros as well, reminds me of being young again.

  501. The man the myth the mf’n legend hitting 25k! Let’s go!! Well done. Stoked to be watching your channel evolve, man!

    Your Q videos pushed me into the Q obsession, the painting videos pushed me to paint my Q 😂😂 but, my favys are any/all exploration videos. They literally get all of us here at home excited to go out and embrace mama nature, honestly. One of the coolest aspects of your videos. Will continue to always be a supporter, bro!

    Keep up the steep progress 🙏🏼🤙🏼❤️

  502. My favorite video was the Q taper video. It made me make up my mind on which mount i wanted on my SilencerCo Saker 556k.

    Thank you for your hard work

  503. I’ve been really enjoying the tactical games content as or late. Definitely inspiration to get out and try a few myself. Also, your Surefire 5.56 suppressor video was a big help to me on deciding which option to go with in that Avenue.

  504. The tactical games videos were interesting but I think the contractor pros and cons was more relevant to me at this point. Cheers

  505. My favorite video of yours is probably your review on the baofeng radio. I even reached out to you to get the frequencies you used because I’m in the same area! Also thought it was super neat when I spotted your Isuzu Trooper in the wild. (I don’t mean to sound like a stalker, North Idaho is just a small community lol) Thanks for all the great content, can’t wait to see what the future holds!

  506. Congrats on the 25k! I think the most helpful video for me has been the 10 yard zero target video mostly because i live its hard to find a 200 or 100 yard range to get a good zero. Its what i recommend when talking about someone zeroing their optics. I also think the poor mans drill is an awesome because it offers simple, cost effective practice in between classes. The tactical games videos are definitely the most entertaining though.

  507. I’d have to say my favorite videos are the building upper/lower, it was filmed outside! Never seen that before, plus I learned.

  508. My favorite video was the Proctor Sling . You reassured me that this was an awesome sling .

  509. Congrats on the 25k subscribers! def one of my fav videos was def the pros and cons of security contracting, after that was the in-depth tactical game videos.

  510. Honey Badger Deep Dive is what got me into your channel. Still makes me envious I don’t own one!

  511. My favorite vid is the first one that I found, on the Tactical Games competition that you did a write-up on.

  512. I first found you on YT with your videos on painting your rifles and I’d say your video on the Trijicon ACOG 16s was most helpful.

  513. My favorite video to date is the “pros and cons of security contracting” video. It is a field I am definitely interested in and it gave a unique perspective of the subject.

  514. My favorite video is the behind the scenes assembly of the Q Honey Badger. Very cool video showing the manufacturing process, especially on such a badass rifle and fairly new company.

  515. The contracting lifestyle video is the last video that I watched other than the gaw vid. Keep on doing good work!

  516. My favorite video so far is your wedding suit video. Very personal, regrettably relatable.

    Thanks for sharing your life experiences — even the shitty ones. And I’m glad things worked out for the better in the long run.

  517. Recent subscriber within the last month or so. Started with the cost of free gear. I Enjoy your perspective on the tactical community and that you’re not just an echo chamber.

  518. most favorite video (possibly ever of any gun channel) … 8.6 creedmoor !!! can’t wait until it goes into production

  519. Just one? Brother, there are several videos you’ve made that I liked. How about three? The 10 yard AR15 zero video(s), the adjusting under or over-gassed AR15 video, and the AR15 painting video. I appreciate your calm, intelligent, and super chill delivery. I also like that you’re not trying too hard to market yourself as one of those tacticool channels…you epitomize what a “quiet professional” should be, talking from experience and conveying nothing but factual stuff on kits and gear. The 90s music speaks to me too as that was the same era when I was active duty stationed at Dover AFB. You’ll get another 25K subscribers in no time. Good luck!

  520. Congrats! I really enjoy the tactical games videos. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. Super fun and entertaining to watch.

  521. Favorite video by far was on the Tactical Games in Meridian. Didn’t even know that was a thing until I saw your video, and it was in my home state. Also, I searched “Sugar Weasel” looking for any specs on the gun you were using in that video…that was a mistake. I’m not sure if I can ever forgive you for failing to warn me.

  522. The tactical games series of videos was the most interesting thing for me, as well as the 1st for the .45-70

  523. I found the HPG Kit Bag review to be both informative and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.

  524. Going to sound generic/boring but my favorite is the pros and cons of security contracting. Keep the cool videos coming.

  525. My favorite video of yours was the M1t O light review. Talk about a great flashlight! The flashlight gets straight to the point at 500 lumen right off the bat. It has come in handy on multiple occasions, whether it be hiking at night, or walking around my neighborhood. The quality of the flashlight does not disappoint. There’s been several occasions where I’ve forgot about it in my pocket and have ended up washing it in my washing machine and drying it. The darn thing still works. Thanks for the honest reviews.

  526. Congrats on the 25K subscribers Ivan! My favorite video is one of your originals “The Poor Man Drill” At the time i was a very poor E-2 and just getting into shooting. I taught what i learned in that video to all my buddies and together we probably 500,000 reps in so far haha. Thanks for spreading the knowledge and best of luck to you and yours in the future!

  527. My favorite video of yours is definitely the series on the tactical games. I have been letting my fitness slip as of late and those videos made me pick myself up off the couch and get moving again. Thank you and congratulations on the 25k.

  528. Recently moving to NH it was cool to see you visit Q. My favorite videos are the fire starting series you did. Overall I love how your vids are quick and informative. Keep up the awesome content!

  529. For me my favorite video was the one you did on the spiritus systems chest rig. It helped me make and informed decision when I was bulging out my plate carrier, which ended up being a full spiritus systems setups. The contracting one is what led me to the channel initially though seeing as it’s something I’m interested in maybe doing later in life.

  530. Hey Ivan, great channel. The video on barrel length was helpful in building my rifle for the Tactical Games. “To that end” the Tactical Games videos are awesome too. Congrats!

  531. My favorite videos would have to be your series on the Tactical Games. I have been looking for something like that and it really inspired me to sign up and do one. I hope they have one in the North Texas area soon!

  532. I liked the Q videos the most. I’m interested in their stuff and you present it really well. Congrats on 25K man, keep it up

  533. My favorite video was the pros and cons of security contracting. It was my first video of yours to watch and convinced me to subscribe right away. Loved how straight forward you were and really gave a solid understanding of what to expect from an industry I know little about and have always been very fascinated by. Keep up the great content and congrats on 25K! Look forward to the review of the pistol and follow up to the security contracting video. 🙌🏼

  534. I enjoy your videos but the one that stands out for me is “I Only Train With Ninjas…” It offers a great message which is often lost in today’s tacticool culture.

  535. All your videos on shooting competitively. Im a teacher with a not so common interest in shooting sports.

  536. My favorite videos are your drill videos, such as your Poor Man drill, that help me make the most out of my time at the range.

  537. This one is my favorite…hopefully. but seriously I enjoyed the backcountry adventure video, as well as any that you talk about your stories and background.

  538. VTAC night fighter 101 loadout was my favorite. It was nice to see what you brought to a class that wasn’t at your local range (when you can load your truck up with everything you may possibly need)

  539. I painted my rifle based on your video! I also really enjoyed you involving your kids on safety and shooting!

  540. I can’t say for sure what video is my favorite but I have a top 3. First the one that introduced me to your channel, Jpc review. Second is the corporate security, and lastly your tactical games loadout. Where you’re standing in a hole. It’s cool to have watched your subscribers grow from when I first began watching your channel.

  541. Adding a 2nd comment only as a warning to new commenters.
    I check marked “Notify me of follow-up comments by email” box below thinking that follow-up comments would be from Ivan/Kit Badger. The HUNDREDS of emails I’ve received today has proved otherwise. I’ve been receiving all comments to my inbox. Had to scroll back to the bottom of the comments page and uncheck that bad boy. Hopefully my inbox will be a lot calmer now.

  542. Some of the most valuable videos I have found have been the belt IFAK Original SOE Tear off Med kit and the battle belt videos. I recently set up my own battle belt for range and training and got a ton out of those videos. Keep up the good work. Congrats on 25k

  543. My favorite video was your Ares Gear Aegis review because it helped me buy one of the best dang gun belts ever!

  544. First video I watched was the spiritus systems micro rig. Been watching more of the shooting events and training vids lately!

  545. I kind of fell in love with that Savage 110 build of yours so, my favorite video is easily of the K&M Course you took. It was great to see that rifle in action.

  546. The tactical games videos are what got me watching the channel. The video on your tattoos was good too

  547. The first video that caught my attention was the ciguera gear review (Alonso Defense Group) while I was looking for a reason to justify the purchase. I stumbled on Kit Badger and kept watching videos. Have been a subscriber since. God content keep it up!!!

  548. Great content brother. I enjoy the float tapes. All the best.

    Semper Fidelis!


  549. The how to introduce firearms to kids video. As a father of two I am always trying to make sure my kids have the proper respect for firearms while still enjoying shooting.

  550. Superlative Arm Adjustable Gas Block. It’s my favorite because this is the video that introduced me to your channel.

  551. One video that brought me to your channel was the surefire switch hack using the shrink wrap and I’ve enjoyed all your Glock holster reviews as well

  552. My favorite videos were a series you made with Q. I especially enjoyed learning about the Fix by Q. Seems like an amazing rifle. Thanks.

  553. My favorite video has gotta be “Pros and Cons” of security contracting. You talked about a lot of things people tend to leave out when discussing the job. I’d like to contracf in the future and your video gave me a whole new point of view to consider.

  554. Congrats on the 25k! I started following a couple of months ago because of your Q Honey Badger content. I found it very informative and you seemed like a chill dude! Keep up the good work.

  555. I really liked the deep dive videos. Especially The Fix. Your videos are refreshing in many ways. Thanks for the chance.

  556. My favorite videos are the deep dives and reviews. If i had to narrow it down it would be the painting an AR15 video just because it helps a multitude of people save money vs cerakoting. The reviews may seem simple but I appreciate how in depth they are and the honestly, regardless of how you obtained the product. Keep up the good work!

  557. Congratulations on 25k, many more milestones to come. My favorite and most helpful video to me was zeroing a pistol mounted red dot optic.

  558. Congratulations on 25k subscribers man! For me, while i’ve enjoyed everything you’ve put out the one thats resonated with me the most had to be the Introducing Kids to Firearms video. I grew up shooting and hunting with my Dad and Grandfather and always cherished those times. My own little guy is getting to be the right age to start instilling that same love and respect of firearms I was given as a kid. Your video really gave me some great ideas to start teaching him. Keep up the great work and thank you!

  559. My favorite was your review over the Radian Model 1. Being from OR, Radian is a local company and I always love reviews of Ads to see what different people think and what kind of loadout works best for them.

  560. I’m fairly new to the channel. Your video on uncanna cbd oil is what made me start watching. I enjoy your vids and I will continue to watch. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  561. My favorite video or better yet videos are the painting your weapon series.

  562. Favorite videos so far have been The Safariland DO Holster video and the QLS video. Great stuff. Keep up the good work!

  563. Thanks for the content Ivan! I really appreciate the Tactical games videos. I am a competitive shooter and had no idea these competitions existed! You’ve inspired me to branch out and try something new. Cheers!

  564. Gotta be the deep dive @ Q on the honey badger! What an awesome weapon, really cool to see all the work that goes into it!

  565. Enjoyed the honey badger deep dive, particularly seeing the engineering and passion in their products. Favorite video, however, was your 8.6 blackout content! Hard to beat an exclusive look. Congrats on the viral video.

  566. I have been enjoying your tactical games videos. Your meridian part one was awesome.

  567. My favorite video by far is the review of the Gibbz Side Charging AR15. I like that one especially because it highlights one of your greatest strengths. BRUTAL HONESTY. I really appreciate how you don’t sugarcoat any reviews and tell it like it is! Transparency is key!

  568. congrats on the 25,000 subs!!! I really think I enjoyed the “strawberry saga” the most… BUT the tactical game videos were what brought me to your channel first!! I think that would be very challenging to not just shoot but have to be mentally fit to get thru it!!! I liked the float trip videos also as my dad was in the navy during WW2!! thanks for the videos & hope you get another 25 thousand this year!!! good luck

  569. Love the videos. Not sure a favorite. I enjoy the no bullshit real world reviews of products. Keep it up

  570. My favorite videos were the rifle and glock painting videos from a few years ago. I watched those so many times before I rattlecanned my first time!

  571. I first found your video series when looking for info on the Q Honey Badger. I really appreciate your honest approach to reviewing, and found your videos on Q to be the most informative and enlightening. These have been my most viewed video series so far, as it gives me motivation while I’m saving my pennies for a HoneyBadger. I find the other gear reviews very helpful too. Keep up the great work. I enjoy the scenery in your videos. It reminds me of my 7 years in Colorado. Keep it up

  572. First video I saw was the Arcteryx Atom vid. The tactical games videos have been my favorite

  573. Favorite video(s) was The Fix by Q series. Giving an in-depth look into the rifle and the company behind the rifle as well as how to maintain said rifle. Keep up the good work!

  574. I found your video on painting your rifle helpful. Appreciate the content and congratulations!!

  575. I think my favorite was the video when you explained the suppressor threads

  576. I found your video on painting your rifle helpful. Appreciate the content and congratulations you earned it!

  577. My first and favorite series was the Q fix. You were the only one showing the details about the gun and have enjoyed you content since. Congrats to 25k many more subs to come.

  578. I was glad to hear the story where you DIDN’T get crushed by that LAV post 9/11. It is always cool to hear other veteran’s stories and that was no acception.

  579. Favorite video so far has to be ‘Tuning your Rifles Gas system’. That subject is grossly overlooked by people so it’s good to make people aware. Keep it up the great work man!

  580. Came across your page through your Violent Little Machine Shop video. Love seeing inside manufacturers.

  581. My favorite video was honestly the Radian Model 1 Rifle Review. I’m planning on picking up an AR when I get back from my time here in Korea. I’ve only seen one other review (Garand Thumb) but you actually took the time to demonstrate all its features to include accuracy with different ammo & how useful the ADAC lower is in different situations. That, or the Surefire Warcomp video was incredibly detailed. Thanks for all your awesome content!

  582. My favorite video is ‘How to Introduce Kids to Firearms’. Its a shame that the online gun community forgets there is more to owning a weapon than accessories and range days. As you discuss in the video, kids will pick up on how you behave around firearms. Just like anything else, your habits, good or bad will make a lasting impression.

  583. Recently came across your channel and my first impression is that the quality of your videos is amazing. I watch each video with a refreshed sense of exploration since you film in such cool places. Also, I enjoy that you share your experiences with a lot of detail, and the stories you have from your time in the military and contracting is exciting to listen to. Keep it up man! 🙂

    p.s. I would be really interested in a video of you describing what you carry around everyday. Little things like a pocket knife or cool things you have in your pockets from day to day.

    Thanks a lot!

  584. The Model 1 by Radian Weapons:. Love this video! Really can’t wait to save up for one! The detail and time that was put into making that rifle is amazing! Keep up the good work! Glad to be a newer subscriber.

  585. Hey congratulations on 25k! I really like your videos because it’s nice to relax and feel like I’m outdoors with you. I really liked the review on the radian model 1, that must be my favorite video you’ve posted. It was cool to see how being able to lock the bolt back with the mag release Is helpful in a real world situation! Keep up the great work!

  586. Hi, congrats ok 25K, I too watched the security contractor video and then 5 more, followed by subscribing to your channel. My favorite has been the price of free. Keep’em coming.

  587. I’d say my favorite video has to be your Arcteryx Fugitive hoodie review. As I said in the comments of that video, it’s when it really occurred to me just how honestly objective and fair you are with your reviews, spending 11 years with the garment and still not singing endless praises as most would, but instead giving an in depth and insightful look at both the pros and the cons of it. That’s what I appreciate most about your work, the fact that you’re fair in a way most people simply aren’t.

  588. I found you only recently when I was looking up battlebelt videos. I took some input from you and many others currently loving my battlebelt setup thanks to you and people like you spreading your knowledge.

  589. I think the 10 yard zero target vid. Because it gave me something I had never seen before that I have used to zero my rifles and shared with others. I’m also a fan of the rifle painting videos which is how I found your channel in 2017 been a subscriber ever since.

  590. I have really enjoyed your videos. They are informative, interesting and positive. I am partial to any of yours videos featurinb Social Distrotion, the greatest band ever, playing in the background. Thank you for you do.

  591. Obviously my favorite video would be the one that wins me a gun. But I think your pros and cons video was awesome. I was hooked the whole time.

  592. Congrats on the 25k! My favorite video that you have ever done was the pros and cons of contracting! I know it’s your most popular video but I really enjoyed how it provided meaningful insight into the lifestyle of being a contractor as a whole and how it wasn’t you just bragging about all of the cool shit that you have done (even though it seems like you did do some wicked stuff). I think a follow up video where you talk more in depth about some of the jobs you worked on would be really cool. What makes you stand out from the rest of a lot of gear reviewers is that you have actually been in situations where you needed to use some of this stuff so use that to your advantage. Congrats again and good luck!

  593. Favorite vids are the Gibbs G4 side charger AR (as an example of what we are not seeing on other channels), anything 7.62×39 related, and Savage bolt gun related.

  594. Ivan, my favorite video is the detailed truth about security contracting. I wish I would have made the video first to be honest. Thanks for the cool videos!

  595. Favorite video: Minuteman Munitions. I am a very big fan of quality ammunition, and I appreciate honest reviews on products, which include those I have yet to encounter. Thanks!

  596. im probably following the bandwagon, but i really enjoyed your contract video and like you said thats how you got your subscribers. The video was straight to the point and informative and you explained all the information through personal experience which really put things in perspective for me.

  597. My favorite video(s) thus fas would have to be the honey badger series. Super in depth and informative. It was actually that series of videos which brought me to your channel close to a year ago now I believe. Super laid back and straight shooting commentary cant beat it man. Congrats on 25k

  598. Congrats on 25k! My favorite video of yours was your tutorial on tuning the superlative arms adjustable gas block. I’m new to the channel and look forward to watching many more of your videos!

  599. Love the 10 yard zero video.. I’m a SWAT Sniper and I’m always looking for quick zero options when moving or installing new optics until i get out to distance to finalize zero

  600. Well done on 25K milestone! It’s not as easy to achieve as many might think. You provide a great deal of information to so many viewers that saves them from making huge mistakes, so thank you for all that you share with us. My favorite video is the How to Train for the Tactical Games: In 1 Easy Step. and the reason I choose this one in particular was because it made me laugh so hard I just lost it. The comment of watching crossfit athletes go 100% all out and being able to walk over to them afterwards and just stomp them killed me LOL. It’s 100% legit point but that day I just couldn’t have laughed harder. Thanks for all your work, we look forward to your future content, and most of all stay true to you brother!

  601. Congrats on 25K! It’s hard to narrow down to one favorite video, so I’ll list 3. The Uncanna CBD oil videos (Part 1 & 2) as I have been researching CBD for an alternative option. The Spiritus Systems Micro Chest rig review was another favorite as at the time I was looking at that particular product versus the Haley Strategic Micro Chest rig setup.

  602. Good morning friend,

    My favoritate video was your video on pros cons of contracting positions. It was very informative – I enjoy hearing service men and women discuss their experiences overseas.

    Thank you!

  603. Always nice to find a new channel with patriots talking about firearms and gear. My favorite video is this one, its my first one to watch. I am a veteran, 63 years young now, F-15 fighter pilot, spent many times flying into Bagram and other places. I subed and look forward to watching your videos.

  604. Best video is the review of the Q taper system. Could also be of The Fix or the Honey Badger buildout but the taper system is my fave so far!

  605. my favorite so far has been pros and cons of security contracting, but im relatively new to the channel so i havent had the chance to watch many vids yet

  606. My favorite video was the comparison between 8.6 Creedmoor vs 338 Federal. 8.6 Creedmoor sounds Awesome! Thanks for the great content!

  607. Tactical Games …. all of the vids. If I had to choose one, its the loadout.

    I learned about the Games through your channel. It’s on my bucket list for 2020.

  608. Love the videos. First one I watched was the paint job on your rifle. Subscribed right then. Good luck to all. Thats a sweet pistol.

  609. I loved the honey badger video so much I bought one for myself. I’m a small female and needed something more my size and it is amazing. Thanks for all your videos!

  610. I really like the Honey Badger series of video. You always do your homework before a video and separate the wheat from the chaff. Keep up the good work!

  611. Enjoy your content my favorite are Anatomy Targets Video amd Tactical Games 2018-2019 and host of others i enjoy your video.

  612. Congratulations on 25k! My favorite video of yours is the war belt setup. It helped me get mine right. Keep up the great reviews

  613. My wife and I just had our first baby boy and watching your adventure logs with your boys is inspiring. I want our son to be able to enjoy the great outdoors and learn from nature as much as possible. There is a great beautiful world out there he can gain so many great experiences.
    Also, I think gun safety is important and really emphasize to others you need to know and be familiar with your weapon. I really enjoyed your clearing a double feed video. A lot of people don’t practice their skills so when a problem occurs they don’t know how to clear problems. Congrats and let’s keep going to a 100k subs

  614. My favorite videos were the tactical games and your security contracting videos.

  615. My favorite video is the review of the trijicon acog 1.5, It sold me on the thing. I also liked the video of your trip to Q.

  616. All of your Honey Badger videos got me hooked to the rest of your content. There is just not enough videos/content out there on the Honey Badger.

    I also want to mention I am a huge fan of the KBAT FrontFacing-head target. I shoot it every trip to the range.

  617. I started with your Liberty Mystic video. I found it very helpful for me after I purchased my first can. Thanks.

    PS. You should go get your ham license. Hiram Maxim was one in the first hams in the USA. He is also one of the most famous ones. And his dad invented the machine gun.

  618. My favorite video is your video on CBD! As a medic it’s always been an interview topic for me post hospital pain management and stuff like that.

  619. Thanks for all the awesome videos! I like the war games video plus the zeroing at 10!! Keep the videos coming and thanks again!!

  620. I loved the deep dive on the honey badger – Love seeing behind the scenes stuff.

  621. My favorite video is the moto tats it resonates with myself and just make me think of the vids

  622. I really appreciate the gear reviews and your videos with Q. I can’t wait for that 8.6 Creedmore to start production.

  623. My favorite video is the Henry Ar7 survival kit. Congrats on the 25k, more milestones to come.

  624. My favorite video was the one about using inner tubes to pack away excess straps or molle. That has been very useful to me in my work.

  625. Favorite video was the K&M precision rifle course review. Keep up the good work and the great content.

  626. Love all your videos hard to choose one, but to name one i’d Go with the tactical games vids due to me wanting to eventually get into them one of these days. Keep up the great work I’ve learned a ton from you. Thanks!

  627. Congratulations! I really enjoyed the private security contracting video. Not only did it touch on a subject I did not know much about, and a subject I have always been curious about, but it was shot in a very calming atmosphere which contrasted a lot with other military/gun-oriented channels which are often too rich with metal music and loud, boisterous personalities. I come from the military myself, but I appreciate how you were able to draw in an audience that was not solely made up of a singular group of people, you were able to reach and captivate and interest people of many different backgrounds and career paths, and I think you really do a good job of shattering preconceived notions of what most people think of military-background people. I like how genuine and humble you come across in your videos. You are like a Bob Ross reincarnated as an outdoorsman.

  628. The first video I saw from you was the pros and cons video. Basically swayed me away from it, after recently starting a family. Thanks for sharing your content with the rest of us.

  629. First vid I saw was the pros/cons of contracting. Got me hooked and subbed to the channel. Been following every since. Keep doing what you’re doing worit’s working.

  630. First video I watched of yours was the contracting one. Just recently got out of the marine corps and was missing the brotherhood but I want to pursue my personal goals. Was thinking about going into contracting work but I have that idea on the back burner now. Going to follow my personal goals and will be starting college in the fall.

  631. Ivan
    The first video I watched of yours was your review of the Crye JPC it was informative enough that it convinced me to purchase it. Now my wife and I watch your videos regularly and really enjoy the tactical games videos and the camping adventures with your sons they are good kids! We aslo dream of a time we can move to a beautiful state like the one you film your videos at! Thank you for your service and keep having fun.

  632. My favorite Video is
    Painted weapons and how they wear
    Keep it up I like all ur videos you doing great job

  633. I got onto the channel because of the tactical games videos. I was playing with the thought of going sometime and this really helped me have realistic expectations. Especially love the Loadout video for the last tactical games.

  634. Honestly I’m a newer subscriber. I found you about 6 months ago. I would have to say my favorite video was the part one of the honey badger. That is the video that I came across your channel on. I have watched so many of your videos since. I’m playing catch up. Amazing videos and great content. But that is the one that I found your channel, so that would be it. Keep up the great work. Congrats on this milestone, many more to come.

  635. The grey man, Velcro and morale patches. I didn’t agree with much of it, but I could appreciate the sentiment.

  636. Humble, experienced, informative, cerebral and sexy, (you bet your ass I am buttering you up) all traits that are hard to find in many YouTubers and hell, even attributes hard to find in most people. On par with John Lovell from Warrior Poet Society you grasped a niche audience, an ever growing audience, through your videos and personality. Epitomizing being a simple man, a human, a down to Earth dangerous man who has seen the world all while building his own. I see your background, stories, experience, production quality and charisma carrying this channel far beyond its current status with 25k. I am rooting for you.

    On a personal note I found you through a course you took and recorded from a reputable name in the training/defense community. I don’t exactly remember the video, however it was the contracting video that drew me back to subscribe.

  637. Found your channel while looking for H&K P7M8 reviews. Subscribed for the variety of content. Favorite videos are the training AAR’s and outdoor adventure videos.

  638. First off……. THANK YOU!

    I originally found Kit Badger while searching for Honeybadger reviews. Fired off the video and I hear Social Distortion. I knew at that point I found a decent channel. Then after going down the badger hole here I am. The fact that you lay it out for us so easily is what keeps drawing me back. Tons off info and solid gear reviews is where it’s at.. Again….Thank you for all you do

  639. My favorite videos of yours are Painting your Rifle and your tour of Q. I didn’t realize how much work went into their products until that video.

  640. My favorite video was the 25k video. Ive only seen the 25k video and the contractor video. I appreciate the contractor vid but i cant say i like it because I dont like the facts that contracting is for ex military only. And the fact that you say its not for people that want to stack bodies as you put it. I appreciate the honesty but it means I’ll never be a contractor, which I don’t like.

  641. great video my son and I love watching your videos but are favorite video is how to paint your rifle : winter /alpine camo

  642. I love the entire concept of the blog and YouTube channel, but one of your recent videos I really enjoyed was the Shooter Symposium loadout video. It put what looks to be a fantastic event on my radar, as well as showed me several pieces of equipment and companies that I hadn’t heard of before. Keep doing what you’re doing man!

  643. I loved your Honey Badger deep dive video series. It’s actually the first video of yours that I saw. Keep up the good work bud.

  644. Love enjoy the tactical game videos! Really enjoy any of the great review videos giving your honest opinion of it.

  645. My favorite video of yours was the Honey Badger by Q series. I have always enjoyed historical firearms more, but this one may have changed my mind.

  646. my favorite video is the one where you talked about contracting. wasnt looking into it (wildly unqualified lol) but it was very interesting to get some insight into that industry.

  647. Honestly, is it weird that the first hot dog hike video was my favorite, only because growing up as a kid i never got to see that side of life. Me and my wife are talking about having kids soon, and when i saw that a while back i knew to be sure to do things like that with my kids. other than that, i really really appreciate the quality of your videos. The smooth well spoken commentary and crisp shots are super easy to watch. i’d like to see some budget minded videos and more fishing videos in the future! Thank you for your commitment to content, you have way too little followers for the quality of your work.

  648. Ivan,
    My favorite vid is Strawberry Mountain – A Misadventure. My girl and I do a lot of wilderness backpacking, kayaking, mtn biking etc. and we commiserated with ya in that disastrous adventure. I love the planning/logistics parts of outdoor adventures, but the environment can and will shift outside of params. Thanks for demonstrating doing difficult activities for the sake of learning about oneself and sucking less.

    Well done sir,

  649. I really enjoy all the Q videos, and all informational videos on optics. I also like videos on suppressors. Thank you for all your hard work, and really enjoy watching all of your videos. Brother, I hope this milestone is one of many to come. Keep up the great work, and thanks for the giveaway.

  650. My first video was probably one of the fix rifle vids I’ve been hooked ever since keep up the good work!!!

  651. My favorite video is the Pros and Cons of Security Contracting, great insight looking forward to future vids. Great content. Well produced.

  652. my favorite video was by far how to stipple pistol got short fingers so gloves dont work well with me and stippling adds that little bit of edge to that grip makes it nice to grab and hold

  653. Congrats on the 25k subscribers!!! I look forward to the many more videos you will create.
    I came to your channel by watching you videos on the Q Fix, but some of my favorite videos are your Strawberry mountain series.

  654. I have to say first, thank you for your opinions and content very much. Shed a lot of light on the Pros and Cons of Contracting and I am 28 and have a lasting marriage and having my first child. Though that was my dream job, I had to old off a while from adb ancing towards it. I thought my opportunity might be rearing but am informed about the game now. Idk about others but you really helped me and put my mind at ease with that vid!! Thanks again and definitely looking forward to more content.

  655. i think the first video i saw was pistol painting, my favorite by far was the panamint series.

  656. Love your channel.. longtime sub! I come for the gear reviews but stay for the music.. best soundtrack on youtube!!

  657. Definitely the “pros and cons of security” contracting. Found your video recommended on one of Grand Thumbs videos. Enjoy your content. Looking forward to more.

  658. Equipment reviews are always good! I really enjoyed the private security video and the Tactical Games videos.

  659. I personally have enjoyed all of your videos, my favorite was your review on the cry jpc I was on the fence about it and you help make my mind up. With that I loved your pine tea one because my girlfriend and me were discussing pine tea she thought I was crazy and she watched your video with me and since has watched a couple more which is awesome because she normally doesn’t enjoy my gun videos. Thanks for taking your time to inform and entertain us sir.

  660. My favorite video was the desert tech mdr video you did with TFB tv. Congrats on getting 25k subs, keep up the good work.

  661. Found you through the “Pros and Cons of Private Security Contracting” video, which I thought was great. I really enjoy the Tactical Games series as well. Keep up the good work!

  662. Love any of the competitive shooting videos. Watching you shows me what I may be in store in the future if I get into it.

  663. moved to the south and was looking for a replacement for biathlon and found your tactical games videos. still saving up for an AR so Im volunteering at the Georgia games, hopefully see you there!

  664. Congrats on the 25k! I like the videos on the surfire suppresors. I’ve watched and rewatched them quite a few times to help me pick mine. Ended up going with the RC2 so now I’m just waiting on the gooberment to approve me. My last suppressor was 13 months hopefully this ones more reasonable like 8 months.

  665. When I first met u in Ms at the tactical games, I was intrigued to say the least. Thought u were down to earth and credible in ur information sharing. So I became a follower. To be honest there are 2 of u I follow for equipment reviews. U and garand thumb. My favorite videos are your load out videos. I love seeing what ur carrying and for what scenario.

  666. Found your channel on YouTube while trying to find reviews on the Crye Precision Jumpable Carrier. Glad to have found your channel. I’ve watched many of your videos since then. Great videos with good content. Thanks a lot for all your time and effort.

  667. I’m rather new – but my favorite and first video I watched of yours was “The 8.6 Creedmoor versus 338 Federal.”
    Answered a lot of questions for me and helped start my latest build. Congrats on 25K and keep up the good work!

  668. Leading up to my Tactical Games competition, I watched your videos many times gaining all the intel I could. That is how I learned about your videos and profile. Since then I have watched most of your videos and have come to value your opinion as well as your experience. Thanks for all the great content.

  669. Second time at this site, and first time posting. Obviously, I’m here for a chance at that kill stick. in all seriousness, I found your channel by the contracting vid. I’m in college now, but I’m thinking about the military afterword. I’m aware that the pay isn’t always so great, especially with paying off student loans. which is why contracting is a tentative maybe for me in the distant future. I’d like to get more knowledge on training for that kind of thing. I’m considering a wilderness first responder course. but I only have a bolt gun I got extremely cheap on a family discount. to that end, I live in NC so I don’t think the “pistol” sbr workaround is gonna be a major issue. I wanna get good. Thanks.

  670. The float tapes are rad. I was an active duty Marine deployed around the same time so it brings me back.

  671. The first video I caught was the pros and cons of contract work. I thought it gave a good, objective view of the reality of that kind of work and the benefits/pitfalls associated with it. I also enjoy the survival/adventure videos and love the reviews on the Q rifles. Keep up the great content and thanks for the opportunity to be a part of the 25k giveaway!

  672. Where to begin. I wasn’t raised to stand up for myself, I grew up on a complicated family and by the time I was 15 I had four step fathers and five half siblings. when conflict arose I was really good at just sucking it up and taking it. That is until I had kids. One day I took my son to restaurant with an indoor playground since it was miserably cold and wet outside. He was five and I let him go play in the enclosed play area as I waited for our food to be ready. I glanced over just in time to see two older kids, probably 9 or so, whip a ball at his head and I saw it snap back. In that moment something inside me changed. Some switch clicked. I went from this too laid back guy who just took whatever was dished out to an alpha wolf. I literally had no idea that i had this inside me, I dropped the food on the table in front of me and made a B-line for my son who was dazed and trying to understand why these obviously un-parented asshole siblings felt it was ok to knock my son around. I verbally went after the parent who was supposed to be watching her children but instead was too busy playing on her phone to care. I verbally eviscerated her (and much to my surprise didn’t use any four letter words). Ever since then I started working out and training with my military friends. Later on I saw your video “Why we train”, I showed it to both of my kids. I had enjoyed your calm confident demeanor in your videos but seeing another father who both loved his kids, showed them affection AND taught them to stand up for themselves and others really struck a chord with me. I didn’t have that growing up, I have few good examples to draw from when it comes to being a good man or a good father. So every little glimpse of what that looks like helps. Not to write an essay here, but one of the reasons why I built my AR is because we have a serious homeless problem where I live. Some of the homeless women have actually tried to kidnap children. No exaggeration. On our local neighborhood facebook page people have posted videos of these homeless women trying to coax kids out with promises of candy and cookies. While I seriously don’t want to kill anyone or go to jail for that matter, I simply will not allow any child in my neighborhood to be kidnapped or threatened. The upside being that all of the parents in the neighborhood watch out for each others kids and let each other know if something looks sketchy near their home. I realize that this is slightly off topic in a way, but I feel like it’s important to the whole idea of what we teach our children and how we treat each other as a society. So that’s my two cents worth, thank you for making your videos, I appreciate it.

  673. Hey Kit Badger,

    I came across your videos from a friend that was describing the quality of your videos along with the nature of your discussions regarding your previous military experience & contracting… That is some crazy stuff! I can’t wait to see more of your videos, and hopefully with more and more people seeing your videos everyday, you can blow up and become a mainstream channel.

    I would have to say my favorite video was you in a backdrop of a snowy stream with a cozy fire and an AR nearby discussing your experiences as a security contractor. Great visuals and entertaining content!

    Wish you all the best in future endeavors…


    William Russell

  674. Congrats on 25k! great content = growth!

    My fav video was the 10 yard 0

    looking foward to more grat content

  675. Congrats on the 25k…I first found you when looking for videos on the Honey Badger…Since then all the Q content led me to watching all of your vids. Thanks and keep up the great work.

  676. Favorite video is the Fix Deep dive series. I love all things Q. That video got me interested in a Fix, and now I own the first ever 16” 6.5cm barreled Fix. Great work dude be blessed and keep it up.

  677. My favorite video is what let me know about your channel. The Security Contractor. Just happened to get it in my recommended and then watched another 5 or so videos immediately after. Gave me some great insight into the contracting world. Hope to be getting started in that work by the end of the year.

  678. Enjoyed the Overseas Contractor piece.
    I was interested in your experience and insight referencing todays “Contractors”.
    In my day, (late 70’s) we had a different less “politically correct” job title. I was seriously surprised at how little the pay had increased..My first Rodeo paid $300 per day which included “tools” room and board..we ate like Royalty..Thx again..glad I happened upon your YouTube channel..keep up the good work.

  679. My favorite video is the edificational video of clearing a double feed, as I’m a beginner range shooter I never experienced this problem and I’m always open for advice and tips to become a better shooter.

  680. Congrats on the 25K!

    I’ve enjoyed the tactical games videos (go Texas!) and the gear reviews, specifically The Battle Belt vid. Mine will be set up very similarly!


  681. actually i love all the stuff you do (including for other channels). The one thing i truly dig is the music selections! Anyway keep up the awesome work

  682. Ivan,
    I stumbled across your channel because of the pro/cons of contracting video, but that’s not my favorite.

    My favorite video is “The Grey Man, Velcro and Morale Patches”
    It’s so rare these days to see such a humble, unassuming, yet accomplished badass. You’re a rare type of person these days, and the maturity, honesty, and (sometimes) vulnerability you express in your videos is why all of your hard work is going to pay off. The world needs a few million more of you.

    Your taste in music is the clincher. When I heard Tim Timebomb play in that intro I knew you were the real deal. Keep it up, man.

  683. My favorite two videos (that I can’t stop watching) are the 8.6 creedmoor videos. The new round sounds like my perfect deer round for here in the thick marshes of Maryland’s Eastern shore. Also, thank you for always replying to comments on YouTube, I understand that as you rapidly grow it will be more difficult, and eventually impossible. Congrats, keep up the high quality content!

  684. Strawberry Mountain: a Misadventure. Most would have never made that video. Too much ego on the internet for many to share their mistakes.

  685. Hey Badger My favorite video is the one titled Why We Train. Being a Dad myself that video definitely hit home . I understand the need to prepare yourself and your family for any threat that may come there way.

    Congrads on the 25k!

  686. To be honest, while i enjoy quite a bit of your reviews and insights into cool gear and weapons etc…

    Your pros and cons of contracting video still resonates with me far more than anything you’ve ever produced.

    While the video itself is sort of an outlier in terms of content, the whole thing has an almost mythic quality to it. Between the serene background and humble fire you’re sitting next to… and the absolute sincerity with which you explain your interesting and insightful life experiences… I don’t think you’ve ever made anything so “real” before. Hell, I don’t think any other firearm content creator on youtube has ever made something so meaningful. Quite frankly, it makes me respect the humility with which you carry yourself. That attitude also carries over into your other videos.

    I know or have known many vets and people in these fields. For them, its difficult to talk about things like you talked about in your video. Most of the time when you get these stories, its “cool guy shit” all day, every day. And whenever you hear them, there is this extreme sarcasm or worse, disingenuous nature to them. But when you talk about these things, how it fucks you up in ways that aren’t immediately obvious or visible… I dunno, something about that sticks with you.

    Your other videos are also great, simple, straight to the point, not trying to sell me on something. Where you present information, its exactly what you want to know and need to know.

    You’re also a beast of an operator, id love to see you go against garand. If I had to compare you two; you’re vodka – distinguished, timeless, and humble, and hes like…i dunno… original four loco.

  687. Hey man your videos rock and by far my favorite is your tactical games loadout video where it is dumping snow the whole time. Congrats on 25k keep em coming!

  688. Hey Kit! New subscriber on your channel. I watched the Pro and Cons on being a contractor. It was pretty weird honestly that my buddy and I were talking about, but nonetheless I subscribed to your channel! Good content and thank you for the opportunity for the rifle! Thank you and Happy Early Easter!

  689. First found you through your Q Fix and Honey Badger series of videos. Subscribed with your Everlasting Gun Debate video. Love the spirit of the channel. The gun community definitely needs more empathy and less bravado/flexing, and you’re helping with that.

  690. My favorite video of yours would be the strap management video. Really helped me with my own kit.

  691. My favorite videos have been your 2 series on the Q Fix and Honey badger, you videos about depression and suicide, your first elk hunt videos were really fun, and the video on adjusting an adjustable gas block and the tip about where to look for your bass to land was really helpful and something I’ve used several times now. Keep up the awesome work!

  692. Ivan!

    What I love about the kit badger channel is the delivery. Always beautiful scenery. You always keep it real with the content. My favorite videos are the hotdog hikes however the beofeng video was influential in the way I adventure. You reminded me that medical gear and communications are vital to getting home to the little badgers!

  693. I have recently found your channel, and have really enjoyed the videos. My favorite so far is the load out videos.

  694. Congrats on the success. Aside from the content, that contractor video was a quality production. I am pretty sure you were out there alone, yet you took the time to reposition the camera so that you could create multiple angles at edit. Great stuff.

    My favorite video was your deep dive into The Fix by Q. Pretty sure I’ve watched that about 5 times over. That’s the one that earned my sub. As an engineer, I really enjoyed the level of detail you want into with that series. I appreciate that you recognize the attention that is warranted by the Fix.

  695. Man I have really enjoyed your float videos. Congrats on 25K and can’t wait to continue to watch the channel grow.

  696. In general I enjoy all the videos you take the time to do, but the Float Tapes series has to be my favorite.

    Congrats on the 25k subs!

  697. Referred by a friend. Enjoyed the video. Plan to subscribe and stick around. Congrats on 25K!

  698. My favorite/first video was the Emissary Gun belt V2 video and actually led to me buying the belt.

  699. Favorite video (series that is) was your CZ 7.62 carbine series. It didn’t end up the way you wanted it to as far as accuracy, but it was really fun watching you develop it and take it out to the range. It was cool to see your thought process developing it.

  700. When I first found out about your channel I watched your review on the trijicon HD night sights. That was one of my favorite reviews on helping me set up my Glock 19. I live in Phoenix Arizona doing Security work and moved from California so I could have fun out in the range. You have great content and do amazing reviews, keep it going !! Screw California gun laws!

  701. My favorite video was the “Inside look at Gorilla ammunition” always cool to see those kinds of videos. Congratulations on the 25k!

  702. Ivan,
    Thank you for putting out honest content. My favorite video is your 25k Thank you and Giveaway. Staying humble in today’s world is an often times overlooked.

  703. I definitely loved your Q honey badger in depth reviews at the factory. Hooked ever since. Thank you for your content.

  704. My favorite video is the one when you jumped into the freezing ass water then tried to use a fire starter,I really like how your very blunt and honest about the products your reviewing. I also like how you post videos of your adventures with your sons. I would like to suggest one thing i would like to see you add to your videos is the suggested retail prices or a ball park price. I live in California so i know i dont have a chance of winning but i wanted to leave you some honest feedback.It would be cool to see your kids do some reviews on products they have out for kids so if a parent wants to buy some camping gear for there kid they can get a kids honest answer whether it good or bad.Thank you for always posting videos and doing reviews keep up the great work. your friend Joe Munster

  705. First discovered your channel looking at holsters and appreciated your Henry review

  706. Your video on private contracting was awesome. Perspectives, numbers, and stories. Gave me some insight to what I should be doing with my future.

  707. Hey Ivan, my favorite video has to be the one you didn’t about knowing when a kid is responsible enough to learn to shoot. You did a great job of fleahkng out the most importantly parts a d then had the ability to back it up with your kids; this video really helped me teach my nephew to be a responsible shooter and he loves it.

  708. To date, my favorite video would be the painting your rifle video. After having my first AR15 for over four years, I was looking for some inspiration for changing the look and came upon your rifle painting video.

  709. …. and I just subscribed to your website lol. Can’t wait till you come out with a badger patch! I need those updates you know? lol… My favorite video(s) has to be the “Honey Badger” mini series. You’re the only YouTuber to actually go super in depth with it. I mean come on, you came out with a series for crying out loud lol. Keep up the good work brother! You got a lifelong subscriber and hopefully we can shoot some time in the future!

  710. I really enjoyed the 10 yard zero target video. Very informative and now I do the same with all my rifles

  711. You got me hooked with the Q “The Lefty” video. I never knew I wanted a 5.56 suppressor until I saw that video (and you actually responded to one of my comments). Now there’s a ton of cool stuff I want thanks to you.

  712. Congratulations on 25k subscribers. I first found you doing a review on the hill people gear runners kit bag (I run a lot of trails too). Then I saw you were carrying a P7, my kind of runner.

  713. The videos with Q on the Honey Badger were really cool, also liked seeing your videos on Uncanna.

  714. All your load out vids. I like checking out what gear guys are using and how they use it for inspiration on how I use mine.

  715. I really liked the videos on the 8.6 Creedmore. Those were the first I’d ever heard of that caliber, and I’m a junkie for heavy subsonic stuff! Thanks and keep up the great work man!

  716. I dig your competition load out videos. It’s seeing what kit guys are using and how they use it to inspire my own usage and setup.

  717. Congrats man! It’s awesome that you live in the Cda area as well! My favorite video was on the savage 110 tactical. This made me go out and purchase one along with a similar scope to what you reviewed it with. Even if I don’t end up winning the giveway I might end up running into in town. Keep up the awesome videos!

  718. Way to go Ivan! Here’s to 25K… Hell how about 225K more! My favorite videos are your Tactical Games competition and load out videos. It is inspiring to see someone at an elite level compete, have success and struggles, and still be super chill humble and open to learning.

  719. My favorite video is how to make pine needle tea. I never knew that was a type of tea. Just something to add to the toolbox of know how. Glad I could learn something new on your channel.

  720. My favorite video was about the Pros and Cons of contracting. It was the first video of yours that I watched and got me to subscribe

  721. I love your videos! I love the reviews of items and you just being in the outdoors.
    I will clean the gun!

  722. Love the float tapes, the honey badger series, and pros and cons about contracting. Your honesty is much appreciated and the scenic back drops always make for entertaining videos.

  723. Float videos and competetion vidoes are my favorite so far. Keep it up and love the music man.

  724. First vid was the pros and cons of contracting. I enjoy your loadout vid for classes you do. I dont have a large budget for gear and training so your vids help me stick to the “buy once, cry once” philosophy. Thanks!

  725. Really enjoyed the honey badger build and story, as well as, surprisingly, the pine needle tea. The area I live in has a abundance of them and I never thought of trying to make tea with them. Thank you, and keep up the fight!

  726. Pistol painting of course. Most important after you paint it , to not lose it in grass

  727. I really enjoyed the series on the Tactical Games. It was great to get an insight into your experience. I walked away with a different perspective on things that I can do to adjust my training plan, as well as some goals to work towards moving forward. Who knows, maybe I’ll run into you at the games in the future.

  728. Grats on 25k followers. I really enjoy the gear reviews, my favorite video is probably your review of the spiritus micro fight rig.

  729. Hey Brother. I really enjoy your videos. Yes, What it got me interested in your channel was your security contractor video (obviously, military background). also, your cherry bomb break (I order one) However, my favorite video is Tactical Games; it looks like that was a very fun training event. Good luck and best wishes to your channel.

  730. My favorite video is “The Mod 1 By Radian Weapons.” Your break down of the advantages of the weapon made want to save up for one of their lowers.

  731. Your music selection takes me back! I think it’s pretty cool that you kept footage from your days as a Marine and that you visited Black Rifle Coffee Company. However, my favorite videos have been the informative ones like “How to tune your AR’s gas system”. Keep up the good work!

  732. I appreciated your Load Out videos. I have recently wanted to get professional training and not just the backyard GI Joe stuff I pretend to do. I would like to have the confidence that professional training can provide. My biggest draw back to not getting training was, not having a clue as what to take. I didn’t want to show up to a training and be “That Guy”. Your easy going way of presenting what you take to the courses gave me a starting point. After watching your video I went and laid out everything I had and then wondered what I had been waiting for. I had most everything all along, and will be saving for the rest. I am looking forward to some strong basic hand gun and carbine training this fall. Thanks for the great content. It was exactly what I needed to take the next step to becoming a more proficient protector of my family and home.

  733. My favorite videos are really probably your silly stories with a close 2nd being your reviews as I have actually bought lots of the little stuff you review which really is cool since lots of channels only review huge big budget items where in life it’s usually the little things that make the difference.

  734. I think my favorite video to date would either be your watch band video your poof light video or the starting fire when you’re wet videos and also like the adventure videos lots cool to have a fellow Idahoan out there rocking it in social media and putting such cool content out there thanks Ivan 😀

  735. My favorite video is “Catharsis, Divorce and the Range”. I have been there too, and I appreciate that you would share that so openly. I hope you keep following your North Star.

  736. I liked your videos titled the float tapes. Really cool to see the old footage.

  737. I enjoyed the fireside chat about you and contracting. This gave your viewers a sense of “you”.
    I have enjoyed the other content as well and one of the first was the superlative arms gas block. I actually got one for my 11.5 mid gas build (Griffin QD can). It was extremely helpful and now its my default pistol AR.
    Keep up the content and keep the chill MO. This is refreshing in an all HYPE world.

  738. My favorite video is How to Self rescue after Falling Through Ice. Walking out there in freezing temperatures took some balls. It was also very informative.

  739. I’m coming in late and the first video I watched was the Security Contracting Pros and Cons video. I’ve been going back through your videos and enjoyed watching your tactical games videos

  740. Congrats on the huge Milestone! I really enjoyed the Security Contracting Pros and Cons video and the tactical games video is awesome!

  741. It’s weird to say it like this, but I have been subscribed to you for almost a year; 364 days to be exact. I first fell in love with your videos on The Fix by Q, and have been watching ever since. I love the high quality gear reviews, and I look forward to seeing what you will do an even larger fan base.

    Not sure if you will, but if you can, can you please
    do more of the ‘Deep Dive’ video like with The Fix and the Honey Badger?

  742. Hey Badger. I’ve always had interest in PMC. I’m currently an Infantry officer in the army and working toward (hopefully) joining an unconventional team. Regardless, your video on PMC was immensely helpful and honest. I appreciate that. Keep doing what you do. It really does make an impact on your viewers.

  743. Love watching your content! Nice of you to do such a big giveaway man and hope your channel continues to grow! My favorite video is the one of your Crye precision JPC from 2 years ago! Since then I have gotten my own JPC 2.0 and have trained with it in preparation of enlisting in the Army and hopefully later contracting! You were one of the only people that gave a worthy review and probably the tipping point for me even getting the carrier.

    Look forward to more vids!

  744. I came for your Honey Badger Series but stayed for everything else. You really should have a lot more subs compared to some of the other shooting youtubers. My current favorite is the new Shooter Symposium video. Love the gear. Thanks for doing a giveaway.

  745. Congrats on the 25k!! My favorite video is the Radian 1 review and the competition video. Was looking at purchasing a Radian 1 and you made it easy to spend the money on one. Keep the awesome content keeps flowin!

  746. Congrats! My favorite video was IV 8888 range day. I can imagine it was amazing to be there. Brings back memories of range days and training in the Marine Corps. Glad I found your channel, channels like yours give me an outlet from day to day struggles. Simper Fi

  747. If Owen Wilson needs a stand in… you need to apply. The most rad vid is your “contractor” one. What’s really interesting is the points you made can actually apply to other careers… I’m not a contractor but I found myself saying “hey that’s totally me”. GREAT JOB! Love your thought process and how your present your material. All the best to a bright future!

  748. My favorite video was “Painting Your Rifle.” I used the technique to camouflage some of my work equipment.

  749. Big fan of the honest reviews. My favorite video has to be the Pros and Cons of contracting because its what introduced me to the channel.

  750. IN, thank you. My favorite video is either the 10 yard zero or the hotdog hike.

  751. I can’t believe you’re giving this firearm away. I actually came back to your channel after watching a video of what you used at a certain shooting class. I really liked the look and set up of it, so I wanted to check out more videos on it, and saw that you were giving it away.

    My favorite video of yours is actually “Shooter Symposium: My 2019 Loadout” loved the set up of the video, you just sitting on your truck talking about your gear. Hope I win!

  752. Dude my favorite vid of yours is definitely your tutorial on how to make pine needle tea. It was a flashback to the good old days of exploring the Missouri Ozarks and drinking pine needle tea. After watching your video I had to make it again just for memories sake

    I’m a new subscriber but I love the channel, keep up the great work Ivan!

  753. love your content first video i saw was how to paint your ar15 after that i fell in love with your channel and have to say everything you have put up after has been nothing short of awesome from making pin needle tea to camping outside in the show to zero ing your rmr you cover a little of everything and thats what i love about your channel keep it up brother look forward to see what else you have in store
    Semper Fi Brother

  754. Well, I would say my favorite video would be a bit of a practical one. ‘Find a Machinist’ only video out there that is like it that I am aware of. Brilliant idea!

  755. First video I saw of yours was your Shooter Symposium in my recommendations. Really enjoyed the run through of your gear and the set up of the video. I also like that you describe the gear on how it truly functions, which I think gives a great credibility to your channel. Looking forward to more content!

  756. Favorite Video is hiking with the boys to the cabin. Love that the oldest was carrying his bb gun.

    Solid traditions to be passing forward

  757. Kit Badger! one of my favorite videos that have got to be all the Float tapes and the Shooter symposium! I even remember you uploading different training sessions and what yall did through them! I have been a follower since early 2018. I really enjoy your simple mindedness towards gear and tactics. Thank you for all you do and the best to the winner of your beautiful AR Pistol! Youre the best Ivan!

  758. I got a lot from watching your Shooters Symposium Load Out. It will help me prepare for a class I’ve got later this year. Thanks!

  759. Hi Kit, enjoyed all of your videos. After seeing your vids on Q, I ended up locating and getting a Q Honey Badger pistol. I figured it was a great retirement gift to myself this month after 21+ yrs in the AD Air Force/ANG. In addition, love the outdoor themes in the vids…as it reminds me when I was stationed in Idaho and Alaska. Ain’t no better feeling of fresh air, beautiful backcountry and popping off a couple of rounds. Now you need to show us your fly fishing skills! Keep up the good work bud, a lot of people enjoys your work.


    Mike in Panhandle Florida

  760. Hey Ivan.

    I found your channel originally when looking at reviews of the Spiritus Systems chest rig. I ended up buying the chest rig and can say I love it. I appreciate the time you put towards making sure you create quality videos. It makes hearing you thoughts a much more pleasurable experience.

    Thanks for this opportunity.

  761. Hey man!
    I really liked your loadout video for that muddy shooting symposium. That symposium is my dream and seeing what you brought was awesome. As a broke Veterinary student its hard enough to afford the equipment, let alone fly out for the class. Maybe some day! Keep up the good work brother. Thank you!

  762. Morning,
    I really like the look back on 9/11. It was one of the biggest, historical tragedies we’ve had in American history and it’s always interesting to know where everyone was at in that time.
    Plus I love the punk rock tunes you have in your videos. I believe we grew up in the same era of punk rock, ha

  763. I have enjoyed the Tactical Games and Loadout videos. The gear reviews have been very helpful and informative. I am a new shooter and just did a 8K Run and Gun, got lost added a mile but had a lot fun, so the Tactical Games really intrigued me. Look forward to doing that in the future. Great Job on the videos!

  764. My favorite video so far has been the tactical games load out video. Sharing your reviews helps me through the buying process knowing I have a trusted opinion. I am in military now and not having to waste money on lackluster products is great, as well as seeing what you did when you got out, its inspiring!

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